I put many miles in walking around the yard and elsewhere. I have always enjoyed a good walk.
I see my vehicle as more of a taxi that is ready for my use as I learned that even tho I don't leave the yard a lot these days, that it is tough finding a ride when you need it.
When I drove truck mostly doing road construction, I put on more miles and hours then I care to remember.
I would remember when I was driving propane and anhydrous ammonia transports that I would think of the day when I could lay down and sleep when I wanted.
Took many miles and hours to get to where I am now.
It was well worth the miles and hours as I would work on my plan as I drove along until I finally made it to where I was going in the long run.
My secret is that I always try and put way more thought into most everything I do before I do it and I like to think on things that just may be so that I'm better prepared to sort things out.
It is a very busy world out there these daze with little room for mistakes in judgement and thought.
measure twice and cut once. As you get older you sometimes need to measure a few times more or write it down,lol...