There you go making sense again , thought it may have been dirt .
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The Silver Bar cans were steel. The one pictured is the one in the best condition. It was ugly in the back, but the front was near perfect. The second two were the reverse of the first, they were pretty good in the back but the front was very corroded and the graphics were dim. I figured they were bought just to have an example in their collection. The last one was pretty good all the way around but the front was not the display quality of the first can. I had no idea when i bought them what I was buying, I figured for a dollar, I would take a chance on six beer cans. The others in the pick were common and I took them to the yard.
I guess I do not "collect" anything specific. I collect things I like. I used to collect stamps and coins, but they were as a child and never worth much. The stamps are pretty decent, but only worth maybe a few hundred dollars.
I guess I could say I collect antiques and old things. I don't have much room, but I like the unique and unusual I find at garage sales. My favorite piece I found disassembled in a box and asked "How much?" and the gentleman said "Free." It is a brass hanging lamp. The frosted globes are roughly seven inches in diameter and the fingers around the globes are brass. Even the chain is brass. I love the lamp and sit in its' light now as I type.
My newest acquisition is an antique corner shelf. It was (is) also in pieces. I am currently working on it stripping the old finish off, replacing missing pieces, and I will be refinishing the shelf. I think it is beautiful! I have never seen anything like it and I have sen alot of antiques. Here is a picture of the bottom two shelves stripped of the old finish...
Once assembled, the shelf will stand about five foot. I will post a pic when finished.
Neat stuff!! That brass hanging lamp is the cat's meow :lol:
Don't really collect anything in particular...Anything that catches the eye or is comfy is welcome but eventually is shown the door to make room for others.
Another beer can collector here. Been at it since I was seven years old. At my age you can imagine how many have found a home and been saved from scrap.
t00nces2, the hanging lamp is awesome.
Funny, after I started this thread I actually found "collectables" I found some 78 rpm records hockey cards and old books today during a cleanout. Maybe I should start a thread on gold bars :)
Empty imported beer bottles, lighters, troll dolls, coins, and lint from the dryer (use as a fire starter)!
cb/ham radios/scanners, baseball cards, comic books, magazines and recently warhammer 40k stuff.
I try to get those little "WARRANTY VOID" and "DANGER" type stickers in electronics and stick them on my work bench and toolbox. The other day I was looking at my work bench in the basement and I've voided a lot of warranty's.
Between scrapping and side jobs the collection is pretty much whatever I don't want to sell just yet. Overloaded with furniture right now, mostly antique and primitive. I keep telling my wife "I'm not buying any more furniture", but this weekend (of course) I came home with an old primitive style table and a old school desk. I keep trying to sell of the large items and concentrate on smaller, higher value items.
I only buy stuff that I think I can resell so there is no real rhyme or reason to the accumulation as it stands. I don't search out specific things but end up keeping what I like. Trunks, Coca Cola, tools, art, ceramics, midcentury and earlier appliances, old TV memorabilia, etc.
I have collected coins since I was a kid, always liked antiques, and now I am collecting mid century modern stuff. My wife collects Pyrex. One thing that pisses me off is the amount of mid century items I scrapped before I knew what it was worth and figured out that I liked the way it looks. If any of you find any of that old funny looking furniture from the 50s 60s and 70s check it out before you scrap it, or pm me a pic of it, if it is worth something I will let you know what it is worth.
I collect beer advertising trays from the 1930's to the 70's. I love the graphics and learning the history of all the now out of business breweries from around the country. There are some really cool ones out there. I don't run into them scrapping, but flea markets, yard sales, and Craigslist are good places to look.
I collect shot glasses, fire department patches and almost anything firefighting related.
I collect traps! Any kind or condition, wall hangers or users. My favorites of course are the big old Newhouses!
Butterfly's, Porno Mags and hubcaps! LOL