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What do you Collect?

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  1. #1
    Longhairboy started this thread.
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    What do you Collect?

    I thought it might be good to have a thread like this. Might help some members find homes for stuff they find while scrapping and the likes. I'll start with mine

    Skill toys, mainly yoyos, but I have a few kendamas, and I'm starting to branch into other ones. I'm planning to purchase astrojax or a rubiks cube to learn next.
    Books, I don't collect collectors editions, basically just books I enjoy reading. I am trying to get a full set of all the James Patterson books, and John Grisham.
    Pokemon Cards, I don't hunt after these hard, but if I find them cheap someplace I always pick them up, been collecting these since I was a wee lad
    Coins, basically I only collect what I get in my change, I haven't done any coin roll hunting yet, although I'd like to try it sometime soon.

    Most Importantly....


    I'd like to hear from all you folks what you collect

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  3. #2
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    Coins, precious metal bullion, comics(Not for value, cause I enjoy them), huge video game collection again for enjoyment like the comics. I've recently started collecting little figurines of the monsters and such from my favorite game series, Shin Megami Tensei. It may seem nerdy or dumb to some people but I find it relaxing.

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    Do vehicles count?

    I do have a little interest in vintage computers, but really only for Packard Bells and stuff that I've personally used. I just like using Packard Bells, since they have the same reputation that the Yugo did.

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  7. #4
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    too much according to the wife....

  8. #5
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    Soda bottles matchbox and hotwheel cars some hub caps and other odd stuff

    the last pics are the knob people made from cooper wire and other assorted junk tneir heads are knobs from cabinets and other scraped items
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  10. #6
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    I collect beer cans. I have been collecting them since I was in about the third grade back in the early eighties. I've got probably about 1500 different beer cans now. It has grown into a monster so I try to focus more on the older cans that aren't so easy to find any longer. I have a couple of nice cone tops that a buddy of mine found in the wall of a house that he was doing a demo on before a remodeling project.

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  12. #7
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    My "collection items" hinge around the practical use of such and it varies with the year. Right now it's lawnmowers, air compressors, space heaters (fuel) and chainsaws. I also like chickens of various breeds and Corriente cattle. Have a few of each. Variety is the spice of life.

    As for DakotaRog, I think he might be collecting CRT monitors at the present time.

  13. #8
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    Tools and bikes

  14. #9
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    I collect beer cans too. I have over 1000 and a few cone tops. Coins since I was a kid. Recently started an old bicycle collection that consists of what I find at the scrap yard.

    Arrowheads, but only the ones I find in my fields and I don't sell them.

    Guns, especially odd actions and antiques. Old ammo and boxes.

    Old signs and car tags to decorate my shop.

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  16. #10
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Video games mostly but I have started collecting some smaller items like unique shot glasses for display or bar use . Micro machines and battle beasts as far as older small toys go . I also collect military patches lapels and pins , also small easy to store .

    I also collect stamps , I don't seek them out for purchase but they seem to find me somehow . I have a decent sized comic collection from when I was younger , love the golden age war propaganda stuff . But I don't seek them out seems like another item that finds me . as much as I do like paper items like these I paused collecting paper products as they do get heavy fast and I'm always afraid I'm going to bend or rip them somehow .

    I always think it's interesting to see what people collect . i know a guy who collects pogs , that's a interesting paper collectable . Wonder if they will make a come back like slap bracelets and beanie baby's
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  18. #11
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    I thought it might be good to have a thread like this. Might help some members find homes for stuff they find while scrapping and the likes. I'll start with mine

    Skill toys, mainly yoyos, but I have a few kendamas, and I'm starting to branch into other ones. I'm planning to purchase astrojax or a rubiks cube to learn next.
    Books, I don't collect collectors editions, basically just books I enjoy reading. I am trying to get a full set of all the James Patterson books, and John Grisham.
    Pokemon Cards, I don't hunt after these hard, but if I find them cheap someplace I always pick them up, been collecting these since I was a wee lad
    Coins, basically I only collect what I get in my change, I haven't done any coin roll hunting yet, although I'd like to try it sometime soon.

    Most Importantly....


    I'd like to hear from all you folks what you collect
    I don't really collect anything except ewaste.
    My son was 4 when the Pokémon craze hit Nashville around 1994. We used to go twice a week to Books A Million for the Pokémon League. He played the game, and earned all of his badges. While he played the card game, I traded cards. We had a blast! I still have binders of the first 7 complete decks and a 3" binder full of extras. All of the extras are from the early to mid 90's. Let me know if you're interested in any or if there are certain ones you might be looking for.
    I'll trade you a holographic Charizard for a dual large socket mother board and 1 Pentium Pro. HA!
    Last edited by jimicrk; 04-04-2015 at 06:05 AM.

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  20. #12
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    Football cards, baseball cards, hockey cards. Mostly football tho. Thier value crashed in 2008 also. Don't do it as an investment at all. Just for the fun of it. I like anything to do with choo choo trains also. Bought some stuff from Sledge a few months ago that he found in a clean out.
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  21. #13
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    Loke pjost i have a rather large sports card collection, mainly football, dating back to the 1920's. My most prized are the 55 Topps all american Jim thorpe and the 55 Topps All American Four Horseman cards. I havent actively collected in awhile but will pick up occasional collections from yard sales if it old enough.

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  23. #14
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    I collect old bulldozers. Actually, old crawler tractors, since bulldozer blades were not thought of until about WWII. My oldest is a 1929-1/2 Caterpillar Model 20-a 4 cylinder gas, crank start, and the original gray paint is there under a few layers of yellow.

    My newest is a 1952 Cat D8 with a cable operated blade.

    When I told one of my co-workers years ago about my hobby collection, he said, "are you getting help for that?"


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  25. #15
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    Beer cans...

    I like to drink from the cans; crush them and then turn them in at the scrap yard. Buy 12-
    30 packs and the 13th is free from scrapping the first dozen 30 packs.

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  27. #16
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdakscrapper View Post
    I collect beer cans. I have been collecting them since I was in about the third grade back in the early eighties. I've got probably about 1500 different beer cans now. It has grown into a monster so I try to focus more on the older cans that aren't so easy to find any longer. I have a couple of nice cone tops that a buddy of mine found in the wall of a house that he was doing a demo on before a remodeling project.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    I collect beer cans too. I have over 1000 and a few cone tops. Coins since I was a kid. Recently started an old bicycle collection that consists of what I find at the scrap yard.

    Arrowheads, but only the ones I find in my fields and I don't sell them.

    Guns, especially odd actions and antiques. Old ammo and boxes.

    Old signs and car tags to decorate my shop.
    I don't collect beer cans, but I ran across a box of beer cans at a garage sale and took a chance. I paid $1 for six cans. Three of them were Silver Bar Premium Ale cans. I could not find them on e-bay so I listed the best one for auction...

    It sold for a bit more than my $1 investment ($285). The guy who bought it told me that I had probably found one of the best cans out there. The other two were in crappier shape, and they sold for $40 and $21. I had handed the lady a card at the garage sale and she called me back for work. When I got there I told her the story of the cans and she said she had another one that I bought for $10 (at that point the cans had not sold and the bids were only up to $50 at that point). The one I got then I wound up selling fo $110. So... although I do not collect, beer cans have been very good to me.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 04-05-2015 at 06:25 AM.

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  29. #17
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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  31. #18
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Toonces were they steel cans or newer aluminum ? That's awesome !
    Last edited by Metalbestos; 04-04-2015 at 11:56 PM. Reason: Typo

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  33. #19
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    Toonces were they steel cans or newer aluminum ? That's awesome !
    Judging by the rust around the top and bottom ring I'd say steel.
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  35. #20
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    pawpaw- I dig those knob people. Might have to add one to my collections.

    Yunkman- Those crt monitors are enjoying the shade behind my bro's metal "barn". I'll work on them after a while. You want to dump more off up here, there is certainly room...

    When we built this house in 2008 (not the best year to be in the buying & selling houses status but we dodged a bullet and got our older one sold), I carved out my personal office out of the larger downstairs family room. The wifey said that all my non-clothes, non-garage stuff had to fit into this 13x8 foot room. Well, that hasn't quite happened. Much of the utility room is mine and stuff regularly spills out into the family room, especially ebay listing nights but all in all, the office is pretty filled up. Organization is not one of my strong skills so its pretty chaotic to most viewers. But its generally functional for me.

    A few pixs of the less wiped out areas with some of my stuff I've "collected". Most has come from garage sales and thrift stores and most within the past 6 years or so, although the taxidermy stuff (which I did) is older and the breaching marlin is from Mexico when we went on our honeymoon so nearly 20 years.

    The wood duck and squirrel mount was one of the earlier efforts and is actually pretty crappy. You'd never actually see a drake woodie in a tree nest and squirrel is pretty bad when viewed full on but at this angle maybe not so bad. The acorn in its mouth actually was there when I shot it. Sort of rare for around here because we don't have a lot of oaks except a few in the river hills. That mount is 25+ years old.

    I'm not really into old carved wooden duck decoys but have found some vintage manufactured and homemade foam or mache ones. The one is the middle is purely decorative using pieces of pine cones and various grains and seeds. The painted buffalo shoulder blades are sort of cool but I can't sell them on ebay as Native American art ( I tried listing them) because I don't have documentation that the signed author is an actual tribal member (some federal law or something). But for $3 they're cool and so they can sit there until whenever.

    No one appreciated my mink and frog/turtle mount on ebay. The mink is not the best mount and the frogs/turtles are probably too artificial (and it was a bulky shipping deal) so it too can sit until whenever. Considering the price of wild mink the past few years, any others I catch will probably end up mounted on a form but without the frogs and turtles.

    If I ever get my table and shelves behind me cleared off, I'll show you my battle fleet I built in early high school (I think the main battle cruiser would probably have rolled over in real life if it ever had done a broadside because the beam of the ship is too narrow but modeling doesn't actually have to be real...).
    Last edited by DakotaRog; 04-05-2015 at 12:32 AM.

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