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  1. #21
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post

    Yes, but in those cases there was a global currency to fall back on. This time there may be a global currency, but it won't be ours.

    We live in interesting times.
    Definitely !

    Right now we're the big dawg. Having the US dollar as the international reserve currency allows us to tax all of our neighbors via currency inflation. That's enormous power.

    The thing is that every dog has it's day. Great nations rise and fall. What do Portugal, Italy, Great Britain, Spain,Germany, and a host of others all have in common ? They were the global military & economic superpowers of their day.

    Eventually, our time will come as well.

    I'm hoping for the best and that we find it within ourselves to turn things around. Maybe it's not too late.

  2. #22
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I posted in this thread today to make a effort to poke a little fun at the concept "what happen when the $hit hits the fan". As a Californian I make fun of myself and all of us on the "left coast". Believe that if you can't laugh at yourself, then there's no reason to be laughing at all.

    The water problem in Cal is a serious issue, for us here, the nation and the world. Cal is the 7th largest economy in the world. This nations largest food producer and it's water that makes that all happen. We are now in our 5th year of below rainfall averages, truly a historic drought. If a total collapse was to happen, it might just start with lack of water in California.

    The good news California is and has been making the necessary water conservation steps because we should, need to do so and should have a long time ago! I like almonds, California produces tons of them. Just the almond crop alone, uses more than twice the amount of water than all of Los Angeles county. We will need to figure that out and many other water problems very soon.

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  4. #23
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    It will be to late for someones generation . The trillions in debt is either real or just something to show citizens for fear .
    America has plenty of food and water , as long countries have that every thing is just a game . Mother nature shines
    and grows food . The day the earth stops producing food & I'm talking sci fiction movie , what use will be of money - gold - silver -
    a can of Tuna will be gold . Sci Fiction earth dieing your gun will help you live a little longer not much .

    Any way nice weather is here and the snow melt has revealed a mess for me ( inventory ) buried the whole winter $$

  5. #24
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Big Burt- I agree with you that Cali is an important ag state but it all depends how "food" is defined (which is usually beyond the depth of a talking heads on tv or a state agency pr people). Yes, CA is the #1 dairy, #1 for fruits and veggies, and #1 in nuts, and ranks somewhere high in beef and probably eggs. BUT when overall total calorie potential is measured the Midwest and Great Plains produces much more when all the corn, soybeans, wheat, beef, and pork is measured up. The thing is that modern Americans typically don't eat corn and soybeans directly (certainly could--corn and soybean mush or baked into some sort of bread type thing would keep people going a long, long time). But currently we feed our corn and soybeans to our animals that produce meat, eggs, and dairy, take corn and soybeans apart and re-make them into packaged processed foods, or export them (last I looked about 44% of our soybeans are exported and about 13% of our corn), or make fuel out of them (mix corn hootch with gasoline, mix soybean oil with diesel).

    If the sthf in a big and fast way, big grain bins from Ohio to Kansas and from North Dakota to Texas will become very, very valuable...

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  7. #25
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Rog - Wasn't trying to male Cal. bigger than it is, honestly I sometimes think we have more problems than people. Just wanted to point out water is a big problem here, Cal is a economic giant, problems here will affect everyone, most people that live here are from somewhere else. When and if the $hit hits, my efforts will be to get to my place, on a lake in Arkansas. I'll let everybody else worry about water, as I'll have millions of gallons and far far away from La La Land.

  8. #26
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    No problem Burt!!

    You're absolutely right about water being the key to Cali's ag mecca. Without irrigation, the Central Valley could grow winter wheat, barley, and other maybe some other small grains during the winter "rainy season". And that's about it.
    Last edited by DakotaRog; 04-13-2015 at 07:45 AM.

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  10. #27
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    I'm prepped with a different type of security: Matthew 24:3-14

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  12. #28
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    You bet shendog!!

  13. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigburtchino View Post

    The water problem in Cal is a serious issue, for us here, the nation and the world. Cal is the 7th largest economy in the world. This nations largest food producer and it's water that makes that all happen. We are now in our 5th year of below rainfall averages, truly a historic drought. If a total collapse was to happen, it might just start with lack of water in California.

    The good news California is and has been making the necessary water conservation steps because we should, need to do so and should have a long time ago! I like almonds, California produces tons of them. Just the almond crop alone, uses more than twice the amount of water than all of Los Angeles county. We will need to figure that out and many other water problems very soon.
    It's a problem for us here in Maine too. Spent a lot of time (years) dealing with the problem. We've literally spent millions of federal & state dollars to keep a small water district of under 400 services running.

    The core problem is that the natural infrastructure below ground cannot support the man made infrastructure above ground. It's inherently out of balance with nature. The sensible thing is to scale things back to sustainable levels.

    It's not just a state or local thing though. It's a global problem. With our numbers above seven billion souls we're having to go to greater and greater lengths just to provide drinking water. There will come a time when all of our schemes to extract more water than the global ecosystem can provide will fall short. They're only buying us some more time ... they aren't a permanent & sustainable solution.

    The way i see it is that the laws of nature will intervene to restore the balance if we don't.

    We're not all that different than any other kind of animal in the ecosystem. When resources get thin the natural controls of disease, famine, and war kick in to bring numbers back down to sustainable levels.

  14. #30
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    A scary concept is how many trees , how much paper is needed to print us out of debt .
    Digital currency takes up less space .
    With the possible exception of counterfeit money, the answer is zero. At least in the US. The currency here is is made from cotton and linen fibers.

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  16. #31
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    When the s hit hits the fan get out of the way! Then cut the cord, remove the motor and the steel and scrap it!!

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  18. #32
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    Hobo always finds the silver lining

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  20. #33
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    " To a Realist the only currency of true value are water, food, shelter and the love and loyalty of family and friends. All else is just Bling " McW 2015
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  21. #34
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    Before it hits this will grow .
    US Debt Ceiling Visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars

    A scary concept is how many trees , how much paper is needed to print us out of debt .
    Digital currency takes up less space .

    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    With the possible exception of counterfeit money, the answer is zero. At least in the US. The currency here is is made from cotton and linen fibers.
    The truth is even scarier. At least trees and cotton and linen actually have substance. Our money is so substanceless it is call virtual. Just ones and zeros in the ether... and it is even worse than that as it is the promise that the ether will have worth when you need it.

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