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I know some people who are preppers and I have no problem with it if that's what you want to do. I understand.
I have a family member who is but he pisses me off because it's all he talks about. I just tell him he's going to die too. The zombies will eat me first but they will eventually get to him.
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I will live forever!
I got Obama care.
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I have guns and good friends but I do not prep anymore!!
Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
God bless little children while they're still too young to hate
I prep - all my food before I cook and then eat it! Just fooling around, nothing wrong with prepping as nobody really know what tomorrow will bring us. Just need to live for today as well, smell the roses and live life to it's fullest potential.
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Burt; from what I've been reading on the Internet you don't have any water. How bad is it in your area?
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.
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I live in Wisconsin, we have a rather out of the way and reasonably secure shop, I live in the city of Madison but...as far as our neighborhood goes we are all friends and familiar with each other...having dealt with apartments in the block next to us getting shot at (hate to say this but a certain crowd trying to make their impression upon a neighborhood full of families...) and we got together and told the landlord he needs to evict the problem people in his building... couple guys also took to watching the corner via scoped rifle, who's gonna feel sorry for a guy getting shot himself whilst drive by shooting?
At the same time...I have a place up north, the means to get there, and I know how to fish, hunt, fix stuff, make stuff, my kid can sew, he learned to smoke meat, make jerky.
I'm not worried, I have combat experience and have a real good idea what to expect from a bad situation. Smart money says don't paint yourself a target by being a traditional prepper. Guy like me with my experience, we will take everything from you and leave you in a ditch. (Not me, but think about how many trained individuals there are out there right this second...) I don't even advocate gun ownership anymore, having one go to for each family member plus a house gun plus a PDW for the truck...sure if it dictates, but guns inspire false confidence. Unless you can do what I can and put 10 rounds in a row on a 12" steel deer target standing unsupported from 225 meters, think about other things...because trading lead is going to get you killed.
I've said this before on this forum, the most valuable person when things go bad is the person who can keep things running, the mechanics and nurses, nothing else matters as much as them. I also impress upon you guys that choosing to keep an old carbed truck or car for a bug out vehicle is a BAD idea. Somewhat modern fuel injected cars and trucks ALL meet a secretive military derived standard for EMP, unlike the movies they do not simply cease to function. In fact extensive testing indicated that they might shut off but in almost all cases are easily restarted.
Prepping is for localized disasters like hurricanes (not that local) to tornados and floods...ice storms you name it...in those cases having a few weeks of supplies is an excellent idea. What you should always have is an alternate method to stay warm, enough fuel to get to your alternate location AND BACK and water. Food isn't as much of a concern as you think. You can eat the underbark of pine trees, rats, mice...snakes, bugs...nobody ever thinks about that... My backup plan would be to expand the roach colony my friend has for her bearded dragons and use that to provide all our protein needs (if it came to that).
Bullet points...do not make yourself a target. Don't even tell friends or family about what you do or don't have. Stay mobile...attachment to a location will get you killed. An old truck is not a good truck necessarily. Spend your free time learning, ALWAYS learn something new, obscure old school ways of fixing and creating are skills you may never need but without electricity...what else is there?
WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!
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I am not a prep But I hoard such crap I probably prep better then some . Consider if a bad situation comes
how bad ??? These 2 woman I listen to cause it's information that even if just 2% you adopt into you life
thats good . Do I food prep ? sorta - good can food from my job I keep . Yams Potatoes Jar food . The nose test tells whats ok .
We never know what the future will bring .
No matter what I feel the world will turn and If scrap yards are open ,
all us scrappers have a rep with the yards . proven business for years . us scrappers have no police record .
When we show up with some copper pipe we have a place to sell .
We have proven our selves legitimate . It will be completely explainable
why we have scrap in the first place .
True SHTF Zombie like humans & its reality in respect that we know humans kill humans in ways far exceeding
animals . Recent events in the world humans burning to death in cages . Heads getting cut off. Unless you live under a rock
that is going on . To the recipient,the person with the match or Sword is a Zombie.
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Amen to that.
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We have neighbors that are a little over the top on it. They own 6-8 1970s trucks. I agree on what armygreywolf said- they're always fixing something. I own a 1986 Dodge and a 1987 Chevrolet- the Dodge is carbed, the Chevy TBI. If an EMP did kill the Chevrolet (I doubt it would, too), the Dodge would still be a pain in the butt to start, and would cause more problems than it would solve.
If it hits the fan, it could be worse. We know how to farm. If someone kills me, I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that they're just killing themselves.
Matador: "If you can read this, thank a Farmer."
More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips: http://www.scrapmetalforum.com/scrap...tml#post242349
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No matter what happens. The rich will get richer.
Soylent Green - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roth takes Soylent's oceanographic reports to a like-minded group of researchers known as the Exchange, who agree that the oceans no longer produce the plankton from which Soylent Green is reputedly made, and infer that it must be made from human remains, as this is the only conceivable supply of protein that matches the known production. Unable to live with this discovery, Roth seeks assisted suicide at a government clinic called "Home."
Last edited by Abuilder; 04-12-2015 at 11:11 AM.
pjost - Water or lack of is one of my biggest concerns, it's also my business or at least the majority. I do a lot of irrigation and drain work and it's hard to sell sprinklers when there may not be any water to run them. Right now I have a lot of work installing water saving devices and ground water recharge systems. That is for the folks that can afford to do it, I figure 80% can not, so the desert may take back la la land. You can hoard all the gold and silver, buy all the guns and bullets you can, but if there's no water, there is no life!
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does every one know the rule of 3s?
3 min. no air
3 days no water
3 weeks no food
3 months no shelter
your dead.
I married into an LDS family and I'm some what of a "common sense conspiracy/realist kind of guy" 50/60 years ago every one was a "prepper" to some degree. nuff said.
Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-12-2015 at 12:54 PM.
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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California in 30 years...
Just kidding but it all depends how shtf rolls out: fast and big, slow and big, etc. I used to be a "survivalist" back in the day (probably the term before "prepper") but then I got too fat, lazy, and the family ate up most of the money. But I do have some off-grid skills and can bs with people so that I'm not socially undesired, and maybe even have some leadership skills, so who knows...
I think I have some advantage because even though we have a couple hundred thousand people here, my area is still pretty rural with almost no natural barriers (except that its cold in the winter). But still, especially is the shtf is big and fast, one wrong turn getting "out" and run into the wrong people (typically I can only shoot one gun at a time) and who knows??? But, still I will make the effort and try to stay out the masses way.
I'm sure that for some of folks here on the forum, we believe we might not be here when the sthf but I don't have the ultimate say in that regards. I can only hang onto my faith and see what happens if that ultimate game changer happens in my lifetime.
A couple of interesting books that some might (may have already seen) like to check out. Both are "old".
A work of fiction that's interesting (and is centered on California) is called Lucifer's Hammer and came out in the late 1970s. The story is that a comet hits the Earth as the shtf. It has both individual and small-town "prepper" action and climax.
A great "survivalist" book is Life After Doomsday that came out in 1980. It is written by a PhD (Bruce Clayton) who turned survivalist (he was also based in Cali land first). I lost track of Clayton after a while but the book stands alone as a great primer, especially in the days of Cold Wat nuclear war. Might be able to be found on Amazon or such.
Good luck all...
Last edited by DakotaRog; 04-12-2015 at 01:01 PM.
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Humm ... two interesting youtube points of view on prepping and not without merit. There are some pretty big differences between how men look at things and how women look at things.There are also big differences in how we solve problems. Our brains are wired differently.
Men are hunters,warriors, and providers by their core nature. It's instinctive ....
Women are caregivers & nurturers by their core nature. That's instinctive as well ....
That's not to say that there shouldn't be or aren't exceptions. The thing is that if TSHTF we will be taking a huge step back in time. We will revert to a time when gender roles were pretty strictly defined.Women were considered to be second class citizens and relegated to the role of childbearing, cooking, and keeping house. If they could get a job it was something feminine like basket weaving, making fabrics,nursing, teaching.
It's like that in many of the Islamic nations today. It's law that they cannot drive and if out of the home they must be escorted by a male member of the family.
It's still very much a man's world. It would be even more so if modern society collapsed. It's very possible that unprotected women would be treated as property and sold into slavery.
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Before it hits this will grow .
US Debt Ceiling Visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars
A scary concept is how many trees , how much paper is needed to print us out of debt .
Digital currency takes up less space .
Last edited by Copper Head; 04-12-2015 at 01:45 PM.
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Economic collapse does seem the most likely SHTF scenario. That's probably why the IMF has been moving to create a new international reserve currency. That way .... if we do go down .... it won't take out the global economy.
< shrugs > It's not the end of the world when a currency collapses. Happened to the south during the civil war. Happened to Germany post WW1. Happened to the Former USSR when their economic system crumbled under it's own weight. Happened to Zimbabwe not too long ago.
Sure ... life is miserable for awhile but eventually things get back to normal.![]()
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Got my Chunk-O-Magnesium stashed away.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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