Originally Posted by
Blue - I think this is something special that you are doing, but I'm curious how did you come up with this way of raising money for this very needed cause? Are you a power lifter?
How this all came about. I'll try to keep it to the point. OK last year I had a dream about this and I call it a preminition (so real the next day my legs hurt). I had to pass as I was scheduled for some reconstructive surgury on my shoulder. Since then I have had this "exact same" dream 2x. Now as the time approached for this years event I hit my knees and had to have a chat with the big man. My issue was that since october of this year my allergies have just been kicking my a!! I had not been able to breathe and had a chronic cough that I just could not shake. Then to top things off I was really sick in Feb. with a stomach bug that took a huge toll on me. I sat down to pray and just said that "you" know that I have to breathe and I cannot do this in this condition. I really wanted to be clear that I was in no way testing God but just wanted to say if I am to do your will then you gotta fix this. Ten days later I realized that the cough was 98% gone and I was breathing plenty well enough to start back going to karate and that ment I could keep persuing his plan.
Ok now that I could breathe WE needed to figure out a way to "hook up" to whatever I was gonna pull. This one is so cool to me. I enjoy going to storage auctioons and one day at this one I was bidding with a fella who I might of talked to a couple of times. The unit was at 80 bucks and in my mind that was my final number so I told him (as we were joking back and fourth as we were bidding) that I was done and another 5 bucks and he could clean it out. He turns to me and told me he was bidding on this box. OK here is a tip if you ever go to one of these auctions. THE BOX IS ALWAYS EMPTY THE FLAT SCREEN IS NOT THERE. The box was open and there were 5 Iphone 4 white boxes and 2 Iphone 5 boxes. 85 dollars he bid. Jokingly I told him if he wanted the box he could have it and I would pay him 80 for the unit. Suprizingly he agreed and took his box of empty boxes. Now what I was bidding on was some truck access (bumpers and bed rails, brush guard exc.) what I did not know was there was a really nice fall harness. The harness that you see construction workres wearing when they are working up high. I picked this up and just roared out in laughter as this was not a nudge or a suttle hint or even a whisper but a bold statement that told me to "saddle up kiddo." Now that this part of the equations was answered it was time to talk to the event cordinators to see what they would say.
The day of the kick 0ff meeting came and I approached the event chairwoman and the nonprofit head honchos with what I was lead to do. As this was only the third year for the walkforthewaiting.org event. As I spoke and told them the vision that was on my heart and to my suprize they were all in. The final thing was to go the the stadium and talk to the facility manager , so I went there and drove the path that I want to use and to my suprize the difficulty of the conversation was him saying "OK" that was it and now it was real.
Burt you asked about me being a power lifter and that made me laugh. Now I have been known to have what I call a big heart to push trhough things that are physically difficult but in no way would I compart myself to any person who works our on any regular basis. This to me is the most amazing part of this as I dont think there is any way I could do this if not by some sort of devine intervention. I have actually pulled the van 6 times to date in some sort of practice and of those times I have not had any phisical discomfort that had come about. Heck I reached my personal goal of 3/4 of a mile yesterday (4-19-15) and feel like a million bucks as I type this (his will). It simply does not make scense on a physical level but is perfectly clear on a spiritual level.
If anyone has a questions or comment then please post it. Finally if ya need another laugh go to the facebook page posted in the begining of this thread as we have posted a new video last night. If you will please like and share the page if you dont mind as im trying to get the word out to hopefully reach my sponcership goal of 15,840 bucks. Here is our actual sponcership page
Marc and Jaime Harris - Walk for the Waiting Oh and FYI these are non profit org's so sponcerships are tax deductible
Thank You to you all for the kind words
4000 kids=4000 lbs
3 orgnazations X 5280' in a mile= My Goal of 15,840