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Miners Moss

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  1. #1
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Miners Moss

    There is about 5 acres of mossy boulders laying on an inside bend full of flour gold waiting to be harvested.

    Back when no one cared the weekend prospector would rip off the moss sweep the rock clean and burn the moss, now it is illegal to remove the moss. I'm heading back to the river today with a Milwaukee vac and 8 battery's.

    There could be 100G's or more in that moss just begging to be harvested.

    Just another day in the life of a scrapper.

    Last edited by alloy2; 05-20-2015 at 07:30 AM.

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  3. #2
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    this sounds shady so be careful not to get in trouble also if so this post may get you in trouble as well I kind of get the idea of what your doing but that much gold left untouched is there for a reason and I would make sure what your doing is legal as well

  4. #3
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by travistemple202020 View Post
    this sounds shady so be careful not to get in trouble also if so this post may get you in trouble as well I kind of get the idea of what your doing but that much gold left untouched is there for a reason and I would make sure what your doing is legal as well

    Not sure where your coming from bro, I do not promote illegal activity - just using what god gave us - a brain.

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  6. #4
    logansryche's Avatar
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    There's been alot of shady things going around lately so it's understandable why one would question another's activities. Good luck harvesting and post pics afterwards.

  7. #5
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I get the idea but do you have permission and a license to do this because with all that gold just lying around I am sure it still is for a specific reason. I mean if its not legal to remove it is it ok to do this as well I mean I don't really know that's why I am questioning it because with gold even prices now people are scrambling for ways to get even the smallest amount of gold. I don't even know if your ideas of sucking it up will work even but if everythings good on your end I wish you awesome luck and a good time at a beautiful spot

  8. #6
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    I think Alloy is saying he will vacuum the other words, not destroy anything, just vacuum the sand and hopefully, gold, out of the moss.--using his head to get the gold without harming anything!!

    In the bad old days they would wreck the moss to get at the sand. The moss acts like a gold mining riffle when under water, making the water in the moss move slower than the rest of the river, allowing the fine gold to settle out among the moss.

    The same thing happens when water runs over cracks in the bedrock...sometimes they are just right and a lot of gold can be found in the cracks.


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  10. #7
    sledge's Avatar
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    Awesome idea.. Not removing the moss and leaving it as nature and the law demands.. but sucking the gold out. Stellar! Let us know how it pans out (Ba dum ching)
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  12. #8
    hobo finds's Avatar
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  14. #9
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Also the sand laying in-between the large boulders contains flour gold, what I learned from refining is that it can take upwards of 12 hours for the precipitated gold to settle out. I'm thinking that a guy could fill a plastic 20 litre pail half full then top off with water - stir the heck out of it then decant the water passing it through a filter to catch the flour.

    I got out to the river this morning to find Dons Milwaukee would not work, checked all the battery's all were fully charged, decided to buy my own. Headed down to the cost bought a brand new vacuum with a pair of battery's with chargers. Then over to Princess Auto ( HF ) your wide of 49 to get some magnets for another project, then over to OCL in Surrey for 6 bags of refractory for the new furnace I'm going to build to smelt my gold in.

    Back in Chilliwhack decided to come in the back way when I spot this air compressor made a quick u-turn into the guys driveway. The compressor sits on a 100 gallon tank, 10 hp single phase - mine for $220.00. Don is going to pick it up with his truck tomorrow. And I'm heading back to the river with my new Milwaukee Vac.

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  16. #10
    logansryche's Avatar
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    I'm anctious to see what you get from this spot you found(being an ex desert panner)

  17. #11
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Hobo you hit the nail directly on the head, for this very reason I have decided to forego Manson Creek.

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  19. #12
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Don't know if you have perused the many postings of Gus (Gustavus) but he built all kinds of stuff like this. Very wise man on many different
    subjects. Here's a few examples. Unfortunately most of the pictures have disappeared.
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  21. #13
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Using the Vacuum on the moss not as easy as it first looked, the fine powder is like cement.

    I did manage to recover about 20 lbs over the past two days.

    Also modified my black sand magnetite magnet, the magnet had 6 small round ones inside not very good so I bought the large round magnet that fits a regular broom handle then cut the threaded part off drilled and tapped a hole to screw onto the threaded rod where the plate with the 6 small magnets was attached.

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  23. #14
    logansryche's Avatar
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    wow congrats the aparatus works! How much gold did you recover from that?

  24. #15
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by logansryche View Post
    wow congrats the aparatus works! How much gold did you recover from that?
    Not sure if there is any gold at least none I can see, I'm sending out a sample for an assay.

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  26. #16
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Indeed wet sand does not move well, 300 mph leaf blower has a hard time. I had a feeling you would say something to the effect. seeing as moss is a collector and holder of moisture.
    can you pour water on the moss and collect from the bottom of the rock with the vacuum after an hour or two dry time?
    how recently has it rained? perhaps a week of dry weather to give that sand some time to dry might increase the payout.
    very cool Idea, keep us posted.
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  27. #17
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    I went to the river this morning, the river is rising about a foot an hour, but my guardian angles are watching over me. I mentioned to a friend in Arkansas that I wanted to check out the settling pond at the Ready Mix plant, the owner is also a friend of mine gave me the go ahead.

    Here's the leach from the ready mix mud, then below this a picture of the mud minus the silt which contains flour gold.

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  29. #18
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    This afternoon Don told me there was a trommel and a screening deck on the property when he bought it, naturally I had to have a look this is what I found.

    The deck is laying upside down, currently has a 1/4' mesh screen installed and we have a bob cat so it looks that I may become a miner after all.

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  31. #19
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Congrats on your finds.

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  33. #20
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Life just gets better, the gold is in the bag.

    If you can picture a water fall of fine gold particles cascading down the face of that cliff face in the picture below. The gold I found in the ready mix wash plant is coming from this pit, I made a deal with the owner this morning that suits all party's.

    Sweet deal I get the use of the wash plant, loaders in the deal, gravel trucks are by the hour.

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