Originally Posted by
Ok the laptop I did not steal. What was missing from that is I knew the OWNER of the scrap yard personally. I have been friends with him for years. He was not available that day and the yard guy is a pia. That was resolved both with the (slipped him 20) and the admin here. The admin didnt hear the whole story. Secondly...the stupid leaf blower did not and still does not run. I literally tried to start it on the curb and low compressoon. I brought it home and tried to fire on ether....still no vroom Third it was next to a trash pile of shingles and crap wood. So if its next to the trash, on the curb, is it not trash?
And 4th I had the other post deleted to protect myself for court. But to this day no date and f I dont think there ever will be. Since there was a illegal traffic stop toi begin with and illegal questioning on the second part.
And lastly, yes if you don't feel a cop is a cop in a plain mark vehicle and wearing plain vehicles, then you can refuse to answer. You can go as far as leaving and driving to the first safe area until you found his true identity. They even had tv commercials airing this same thing. This started when we had a few crackheads running around impersonating a cop pullign people over in last few years. The only time this does not apply is in sting operations, like prostitution where a hooker asks the cop...are you a cop? In a traffic stop, they have to announce themselves and their intent. Otherwise you have the right to leave and call 911 for a safe location like a police station. Which actually I wish I did, but I did call 911. ANd they sent help. Its all on their tapes him screaming I had no right to call for help and he was gonna drag me out of the truck if I didnt comply.
Any other questions..ask. I have been talking to three lawyers and one cop....everything about this is illegal, except which I did. Which was legal.. Theres more to this story. Same cop arrested two people for cleaning up the yard and the bloody owner came out. And told the cop, its ok, they have my permission. Still got arrested..so what does that tell you?
For what it's worth, I read
every post on this thread plus the one that was deleted from the very beginning.
Ozzy you admitted that while you and your buddy were unloading at the yard you spotted a really nice computer.
You admitted that you had your buddy distract the yard worker while you grabbed the computer and put it in your truck.
Your next comment was and I quote "weight for weight, right?"
Do you deny saying that?