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My Best Scrapping Moment!

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    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    My Best Scrapping Moment!

    Some of you may have read me posting about how starting to scrap kept me and my family from the gutter (well, maybe not destitution but the extra $$$ helps a lot). Well a little back story on that is that both of my older children have bio-dads (as I like to call them, my wife calls them sperm donors) who have in the last 2 years both stopped paying their child support. My middle child's father just got dinged for $900 last month and then $700 on Friday. Apparently he is holding down some kind of honest job

    Well, after the wife told me we had extra cash on Friday night, GUESS WHO I SAW LEARNING HOW TO TURN IN A PITIFUL AMOUNT OF WIRE AT THE YARD SATURDAY MORNING! LOL! Oh yes, he didn't look very happy to be there before he saw me and looked downright ashamed after he saw me! Hahahahaha! His buddy even argued with the veteran scale guy that his coax was wire! I'm not trying to put down Dads that pay their dues when they can but it has been known to us for sometime that he just wasn't ponying up even though he could. The look on his face was sooooo rich I felt like I had found a big pile of copper! To his credit all he said was "hey howsit goin" and to mine, I didn't ask if he was a little hard up for cash (but I really, really wanted to!) I did however tell the scale guys who I have known for over 2 years about him after he left.

    I guess everyone turns to the scrapping method when they need a little extra cash!

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