Eh, hit my point in the second reply.
Someone is always blaming someone other then..themselves.
You also said.."The Fault is ours.". Further proof your a wise fella.
Mike had it right to. As Albert Einstein said.."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.".
By that definition the Country is insane. We keep doing the same thing over an over. We elect as Mike said..Career Politicians. Who continue to divide an conquer. If it's not race, it's a sex, if not sex it's <insert big bad scary guy here> fear mongering. Yet despite the promises, apologies, times caught with hand in the cookie jar we still keep electing the same types of people with different faces.
One guy yells about the left screwing him, another is yelling about the right doing it..Neither stop to realize their both getting ****ed.
In the end we all lose. People fight, rights get restricted, etc etc. Nobody wins but the politicians.
Back to my original point...we're to blame for all this. ALL OF US. Not the Illiumanti, Knights Templars, Freemasons, CIA, FBI, DEA, etc.
Now pardon me, I hear helicopters, I think their on to me, so...time to move the cooler. Seek the symbols to find the way.
Sirscrapalot - It's easy to talk about change, it's a lot harder to affect it. - No clue, but it' sounded great!