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  1. #41
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Some look to the current form of governance as Fascism (government controls business)

    Some refer to it as Nazi (Business controls Government)
    It is neither, it is Technocracy. (Government/corporations) control governance.

    This is a well cloaked fact to keep us confused, divided, and in our designated place.
    I've heard our government called many things but Technocracy hasn't been one of them. Thanks for the explanation of what that is.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigburtchino View Post
    I'm not sure who controls who, it's business controls the government, whats it matter same results. Lincoln was a railroad attorney for the Illinois Central RR before he was president, campaigned on the expansion of the country and growth of the railroads (big business). It's been USA Inc. ever since.
    Makes sense since Illinois primary business is still railroading. Union Pacific owns most of the track rights and are always butting heads with Burling North, but of course the first thing that pops into my head when I think of Illinois is the railroad park in Rochelle where the UP and BN cross tracks. I probably know more about railroading in Illinois then most.
    Last edited by logansryche; 06-17-2015 at 08:24 AM.

  2. #42
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

    The Black Helicopters are really after you.

    Sirscrapalot - Everything that is wrong or can go wrong is of course, the fault of A. The Man, B. Big Brother. C. The Illiumaniti. D. Some other power holding group. - The internet of course.

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  4. #43
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    I saw where TRUMP was planning to run for president ( I think it was a joke).........Not saying he may be the best candidate but in my opinion we need someone who is not a career politician in office..........Someone to shake things up be it good or bad at least someone who will rock the boat and not just be a puppet

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  6. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

    The Black Helicopters are really after you.

    Sirscrapalot - Everything that is wrong or can go wrong is of course, the fault of A. The Man, B. Big Brother. C. The Illiumaniti. D. Some other power holding group. - The internet of course.
    Actually the fault is ours. We have a constitution that defines basic law, and a bill of rights that tells the government what they can't do. WE let us get to where we are today.

    The birth of the revolution was in 1761 in a tavern when James Madison first spoke against open warrants, British troupes could enter any ones home or business with out warrant at any time and confiscate any thing they wanted and take into custody any one they wanted that person could just vanish for any length of time or for ever.

    That practice was banned by the Magna Carta, I believe 800 years Pryor

    Today we have "the Patriot act" Which grants the Government the same Open Warrent Practice.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  7. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Actually the fault is ours. We have a constitution that defines basic law, and a bill of rights that tells the government what they can't do. WE let us get to where we are today.

    The birth of the revolution was in 1761 in a tavern when James Madison first spoke against open warrants, British troupes could enter any ones home or business with out warrant at any time and confiscate any thing they wanted and take into custody any one they wanted that person could just vanish for any length of time or for ever.

    That practice was banned by the Magna Carta, I believe 800 years Pryor

    Today we have "the Patriot act" Which grants the Government the same Open Warrent Practice.
    That is not conspiracy theory but fact.

    One group blames the Illuminati, another the Masons others the Catholics, Mormons, Jews or ?

    Simple common sense. What is the first rule of concurring any group or nation. Divide and Concur.

    I will move any other comment to my blog later today this is not the place for education on this subject.

  8. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I saw where TRUMP was planning to run for president ( I think it was a joke).........Not saying he may be the best candidate but in my opinion we need someone who is not a career politician in office..........Someone to shake things up be it good or bad at least someone who will rock the boat and not just be a puppet

    You could well be right although, unfortunately, some one like Trump will never be taken seriously.

    Does any one remember Ross Perot an earlier version of Trump who ran for president. He said if we let congress pass TARP trade bill we would gain nothing but a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving America.

  9. #47
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Eh, hit my point in the second reply.

    Someone is always blaming someone other then..themselves.

    You also said.."The Fault is ours.". Further proof your a wise fella.

    Mike had it right to. As Albert Einstein said.."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.".

    By that definition the Country is insane. We keep doing the same thing over an over. We elect as Mike said..Career Politicians. Who continue to divide an conquer. If it's not race, it's a sex, if not sex it's <insert big bad scary guy here> fear mongering. Yet despite the promises, apologies, times caught with hand in the cookie jar we still keep electing the same types of people with different faces.

    One guy yells about the left screwing him, another is yelling about the right doing it..Neither stop to realize their both getting ****ed. In the end we all lose. People fight, rights get restricted, etc etc. Nobody wins but the politicians.

    Back to my original point...we're to blame for all this. ALL OF US. Not the Illiumanti, Knights Templars, Freemasons, CIA, FBI, DEA, etc.

    Now pardon me, I hear helicopters, I think their on to me, so...time to move the cooler. Seek the symbols to find the way.

    Sirscrapalot - It's easy to talk about change, it's a lot harder to affect it. - No clue, but it' sounded great!

  10. #48
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    in regards to do I say this nicely..

    Hell with it..

    He's an idiot. Seriously. He needs to stay where he is, the private sector.

    They are doing just fine screwing things up in DC without Trump hogging the limelight all the time. :P

    Sirscrapalot - Voting for Mickey Mouse, or a house fly over Trump.

  11. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by eastky View Post
    There is a gun behind every blade of grass. I dont see the USA ever getting invaded or taken over.
    Maybe so, but if America was at war with China and they shot down an American plane/helicopter/tank/APC...etc guess where all the parts are made...yeah, that's right, china. America no longer has the infrastructure to build their own weapons/technology. Food for thought.

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  13. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    If Southern California wants to leave, let them. Put it up to a vote in the next election. There isn't a snowball's chance of it passing, but if a majority of the state wants it, let them try it on their own.

    I wonder how well that'll work out!
    They can become a new nation with Quebec!

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  15. #51
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Paranoia or unlawful governments? A little of both, reality is we really have no privacy, and it's the federal government making sure we don't. Cell phone is a tracking device, so there not just listening, but tracking, recording and profiling. Combine that with ANPR systems (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) that can track and record vehicles (thousands per day/per unit). These can also record images, so smile more often. These are great for catching terrorist and criminals, but how come there tracking millions of citizens? Not just tracking, but making permanent profiles of all of our activities. Where you live, work, play and shop, this data is also available to private companies (missed a couple of car payments/repo man knows where to find you). Been used in my area for over five years by almost all police agencies, city/county/state through "Homeland Security Grants". Millions of citizens are being profiled, cataloged and sorted, all stored on a growing data base of all citizens. I don't think we are all criminals or terrorist, Do you?

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  17. #52
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    Hip o Gear -My apologies for hijacking your thread about "Market Manipulations", it kind of went from oil, scrap metal, financial markets to governmental controls. So sorry for that!

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  19. #53
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    AdmiralAluminum - I went to school in France long enough to learn how to order my food, get a beer and still make change. So I for one can get by (I won't starve or go thirsty). I wonder how my fellow Quebec Icans (is that right?) will do as far as speaking Spanish? My Spanish is much better than my French, so no matter what I'll eat! I don't know how we got to hating or misunderstanding us weird people from the "left coast" (California).

  20. #54
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    in regards to do I say this nicely..

    Hell with it..

    He's an idiot. Seriously. He needs to stay where he is, the private sector.

    They are doing just fine screwing things up in DC without Trump hogging the limelight all the time. :P

    Sirscrapalot - Voting for Mickey Mouse, or a house fly over Trump.
    I do not endorse TRUMP or any other candidate but he can't be worse than the last several "idiots" that have been in office...........I think we need a "BIG" name in office........Like Reagan or Kennedy or even Clinton.......These guys were basically like rock star presidents and they are good for the moral of the nation...........Personally it will be whoever it is but Hillary Clinton or JEB Bush are not the people for the job
    Last edited by mikeinreco; 06-17-2015 at 02:36 PM.

  21. #55
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    If your choices are vote for whichever is the lesser idiot...then the system truly has failed.

    An of course, it has been like this since..what..Kennedy? Everyone will always be an "idiot" untill someone gets in there an realizes the country isn't made up of red an blue, but Americans. Last I checked the fella on the right is just as much a citizen as I am, despite our differing views. To bad..the majority of folks feel it's them vs everyone else.

    Not allowed to please these folks, cause you's insulting to the others who don't share the same view.

    I've said it before, I do not subscribe to either party. So you'll see no endorsements from me. Let's be honest tho..this country is so far divided, why would you ever expect them to agree on a rational choice for President? It's all about "my party" being right. Not whats best for the Country an it's Citizens.

    Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. - Mark Twain

    Feel free to sub out Congress for Politician, President, etc etc.

    Sirscrapalot - It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. - Mark Twain

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  23. #56
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    Like them or hate them I think both Reagan and Clinton will go down in history as better than average presidents and overall they were leaders wanting to do better for this nation. President Reagan was a very sick man his last two years of office. President Clinton could have easily won a third term if it was legal to do so. JFK never really had a opportunity to do all he wanted, don't think the "no war" in SE Asia would have continued had he not been assassinated. President Bush (#41) was a decent man, he was in between perhaps two very popular men (depending on your own beliefs). I voted for all three of them, as I'm not for any party, but the american one. The rest of them probably should have stayed in the "clown car" and kept moving down the road (we would have been better off). IMOP!

    I need to quit talking government, politics and history, as this is about "MARKET MANIPULATION", then again maybe it's all the same.

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  25. #57
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    Unconfirmed rumors are swirling that Bill Clinton has recently passed.

    Scavino tweeted this Eagle on Ice on 12/13. Eagle was WJC’s SS code name

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