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Fireworks Safety Reminder

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  1. #1
    pjost started this thread.
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    Fireworks Safety Reminder

    I hear banging outside. Just wanted to remind everyone about being safe with their Fireworks.
    My Father-in-law's house burned down to the ground 2 years ago on the 4th. We weren't even shooting them off. The neighbor's kids started their own garage on fire, and the outside wall of the neighbor's garage fell towards my FIL's house. The wind was just right, and the flames licked the siding on fire. Both houses were a total loss. My wife and I were both in the house when this happened (thank God) because my FIL doesn't get around very good. Pretty helpless feeling watching a loved one's home burn to the ground. You never think it can happen to you, until it does.

    And remember, it's not JUST the 4th of July, it's INDEPENDENCE DAY.
    Have a safe holiday.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I agree, up north of us there was a 14 year old that lost his hand already due to lighting some kind of home made device.

    Neighbors help Benton Harbor boy who lost his hand in an explosi - ABC57 News - See the Difference Michiana
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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