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  1. #1
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Anyone Else Worried About a Terror Attack Tomorrow?

    Just wondering. I see a carload of guys hopping our and blasting crowds in Schittholestan and Craponesia and worry that a 4th event would be a prime place to open fire. I hope any celebration has a bunch of CCW holders carrying.

    I hate what our world and country has turned into. I am glad i am old.

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  3. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Here in CO we can open carry. No need for CCW. Ill be packing.

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  5. #3
    JustInTime's Avatar
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    Eh, aside from the US turning into a corporate kleptocracy, the US is actually a safer place now than it has been in decades. Violent crime, and crime overall, is at it's lowest point in something like 30 years.

    As for terrorism, you have a far better chance dying from an intestinal illness than you do terrorism.

    You can blame the all encompassing media tabloids for peoples fear that this is not the case.

    This makes for an interesting read: The Many Causes of America

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  7. #4
    aph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    Eh, aside from the US turning into a corporate kleptocracy, the US is actually a safer place now than it has been in decades. Violent crime, and crime overall, is at it's lowest point in something like 30 years.

    As for terrorism, you have a far better chance dying from an intestinal illness than you do terrorism.

    You can blame the all encompassing media tabloids for peoples fear that this is not the case.

    This makes for an interesting read: The Many Causes of America

    What he said....
    The statistical chance to die of a terrorist attack probably won't even make the top 100 list of probable reasons to die.

    I also don't think terrorists would pick such an obvious date as authorities are supposedly on higher alert on days like 4th of July.
    Which of course is all hogwash.
    There is absolutely NOTHING the govmint can do to stop some looneys if they want to.
    See Boston Marathon.

    It's all part of the brainwashing that they WANT us to believe there is a real risk.

    Will it happen again? Probably. But there is no way to predict it and I refuse to let it affect my daily routine.

    I live in one of the worst cities of America according to Forbes magazine.
    I feel perfectly safe on a daily basis.

    I apply basic common sense to what I do.
    I do not engage in unsafe activities. I don't do ANYTHING with drugs, I don't even have a gun.
    A gun will never safe you from anything.
    People thinking a gun will safe them from random violence are just drinking the Kool-Aid.
    If some jerkoff starts shooting at a public event it will be over before you even had time to pull your gun.
    Chances are you might even hurt some innocents in the process.

    I don't hang out at night in shady parts of town.
    When doing business in those areas I am a little more aware of what's going on around me.

    Like I said, I feel safe.

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  9. #5
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Not in the least bit worried about what random atrocity may happen next.
    I am on Drunk Driver watch out's always a sketchy weekend out on the roads
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  11. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    No not worried, Old SNL skit here...

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  13. #7
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Here in CO we can open carry. No need for CCW. Ill be packing.
    I feel for those in areas that do not have open carry and concealed carry permits are limited. I believe Lone Wolf's will be on the prowl. In the Buffalo Commons, do not fear the open carry, fear the CCP - citizens. Lone Wolf's will not succeed in Buffalo country. Those that read this will understand my new quote/signature.

  14. #8
    jonnyjeb's Avatar
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    I'm not worried......I know for a fact my ex wife's lawyer is off tomorrow

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  16. #9
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    You don't understand. I am not worried about myself. I will be at a private party. I am worried about other Americans.

  17. #10
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aph View Post
    I apply basic common sense to what I do.
    I do not engage in unsafe activities. I don't do ANYTHING with drugs, I don't even have a gun.
    A gun will never safe you from anything.
    People thinking a gun will safe them from random violence are just drinking the Kool-Aid.
    If some jerkoff starts shooting at a public event it will be over before you even had time to pull your gun.
    Chances are you might even hurt some innocents in the process.
    Well, it sounds like a good thing you don't have a gun. If you are not confident and proficient with the use of a handgun, you are better off not to carry. As for stopping a violent criminal, I would rather have several CCW carrying than wait for the cops to show up. Like you say, some innocents might get hurt, but if the shooters are not stopped, many, many innocents WILL be hurt.

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  19. #11
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  21. #12
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    Killing a hundred people isn't what constitutes a "win" for a terrorist. Worrying a hundred million people is a win. You gonna let them win?

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  23. #13
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    No, every holiday the media warns of a terrorist attack that never happens. It's just another way to scare and distract the people. I'm much more worried about jade helm and the fact that the far left seems to be gaining a lot of popularity lately and all the far right loons responding by calling for civil war.

  24. #14
    ChildhoodDream's Avatar
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    I didn't know about the world trade centers until 2 weeks later as I was doing my thing in the private theme park and the rest of the world was busy and didn't interrupt me it seems.

    Found out when my cousin stopped by and told me about it or it might of been longer before I had a clue about it.

    I don't follow the MEDIA as I have a nice selection of nice recorded media that I can watch and listen to as I choose.

    If I read written media most times it's many years old.

    I learned many years ago that no matter what I tried I couldn't keep up with the great illusion so I ignored it until it faded away into the superstitious vagueness that it is constructed out of.

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  26. #15
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditchdigger View Post
    Killing a hundred people isn't what constitutes a "win" for a terrorist. Worrying a hundred million people is a win. You gonna let them win?
    We have a nation that can be worried and offended to the point where laws are passed to punish people for not baking a cake. I am worried we have already lost.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    I didn't know about the world trade centers until 2 weeks later as I was doing my thing in the private theme park and the rest of the world was busy and didn't interrupt me it seems.

    Found out when my cousin stopped by and told me about it or it might of been longer before I had a clue about it.

    I don't follow the MEDIA as I have a nice selection of nice recorded media that I can watch and listen to as I choose.

    If I read written media most times it's many years old.

    I learned many years ago that no matter what I tried I couldn't keep up with the great illusion so I ignored it until it faded away into the superstitious vagueness that it is constructed out of.
    Are you aware that after years of being the gold standard of space flight and exploration, we, as a country can't get food and water and clothes (or even a deck of cards) to Earth orbit? Sometimes the Islamic terrorists work right under our noses in our own governmental bureaucracy.

    Quote Originally Posted by RevenantDusk View Post
    No, every holiday the media warns of a terrorist attack that never happens. It's just another way to scare and distract the people. I'm much more worried about jade helm and the fact that the far left seems to be gaining a lot of popularity lately and all the far right loons responding by calling for civil war.
    Here is a list of terrorist attacks that have occurred since September 11, 2001. As far as calling for war, I hear more calls for violence from the left than the right.

    9/11/2001 USA Washington, DC 184 53 Nearly 200 people are killed when Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.
    9/11/2001 USA Shanksville, PA 40 0 Forty passengers are killed after Islamic radicals hijack the plane in an attempt to steer it into the U.S. Capitol building.
    9/11/2001 USA New York, NY 2752 251 Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Center, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.
    3/19/2002 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.
    5/27/2002 USA Denton, TX 1 0 Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.
    7/4/2002 USA Los Angeles, CA 2 0 Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.
    9/5/2002 USA Clinton, MD 1 0 A 55-year-old pizzaria owner is shot six times in the back by Muslims at close range.
    9/21/2002 USA Montgomery, AL 1 1 Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.
    9/23/2002 USA Baton Rouge, LA 1 0 A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.
    10/2/2002 USA Wheaton, MD 1 0 Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.
    10/3/2002 USA Montgomery County, MD 5 0 Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.
    10/9/2002 USA Manassas, VA 1 1 A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.
    10/11/2002 USA Fredericksburg, VA 1 0 Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.
    10/14/2002 USA Arlington, VA 1 0 A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
    10/22/2002 USA Aspen Hill, MD 1 0 A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
    8/6/2003 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a 'religious revival', a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4" butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
    12/2/2003 USA Chicago, IL 1 0 A Muslim doctor deliberately allows a Jewish patient to die from an easily treatable condition.
    4/13/2004 USA Raleigh, NC 1 4 An angry Muslim runs down five strangers with a car.
    4/15/2004 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.
    6/16/2006 USA Baltimore, MD 1 0 A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim gunman in an unprovoked terror attack.
    6/25/2006 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was 'Allah's choice', a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
    7/28/2006 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An 'angry' Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
    1/1/2008 USA Irving, TX 2 0 A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their 'Western' lifestyle.
    7/6/2008 USA Jonesboro, GA 1 0 A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
    2/12/2009 USA Buffalo, NY 1 0 The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
    4/12/2009 USA Phoenix, AZ 2 0 A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.
    6/1/2009 USA Little Rock, AR 1 1 A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.
    11/2/2009 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)
    11/5/2009 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.
    12/4/2009 USA Binghamton, NY 1 0 A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.
    4/14/2010 USA Marquette Park, IL 5 2 After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.
    4/30/2011 USA Warren, MI 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.
    9/11/2011 USA Waltham, MA 3 0 Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.
    1/15/2012 USA Houston, TX 1 0 A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim.
    2/7/2013 USA Buena Vista, NJ 2 0 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
    3/24/2013 USA Ashtabula, OH 1 0 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
    4/15/2013 USA Boston, MA 3 264 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
    4/19/2013 USA Boston, MA 1 1 Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
    8/4/2013 USA Richmond, CA 1 0 A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.
    3/6/2014 USA Port Bolivar, TX 2 0 A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.
    4/27/2014 USA Skyway, WA 1 0 A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.
    6/1/2014 USA Seattle, WA 2 0 Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.
    6/25/2014 USA West Orange, NJ 1 0 A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.
    9/25/2014 USA Moore, OK 1 1 A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.

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  28. #16
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    tOOnces2 - notice none of these attacks occurred in the Buffalo Commons. I feel safe in my neck of the woods, Wyoming and South Dakota. One of my two sons lives in a large metropolitan area on the east coast and is the only one on both sides of the family that does not have a CCP, much less own a gun. I worry about him everyday. I have given and bought him several, but they are all stored at the ranch. To each their own and I accept the other opinion. I am surprised by the number of incidents in Texas. Maybe the Buffalo Commons is not so far off target.

    Thanks tOOnces2 for the list.
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  30. #17
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    a handful of people in 13 years is not bad... sucks..... but the odds are certainly in favor of not dying from terror attack
    look up drunk driving deaths in the US for that same time frame.... now that's shameful

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  32. #18
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    tOOnces2 - notice none of these attacks occurred in the Buffalo Commons. I feel safe in my neck of the woods, Wyoming and South Dakota. One of my two sons lives in a large metropolitan area on the east coast and is the only one on both sides of the family that does not have a CCP, much less own a gun. I worry about him everyday. I have given and bought him several, but they are all stored at the ranch. To each their own and I accept the other opinion. I am surprised by the number of incidents in Texas. Maybe the Buffalo Commons is not so far off target.

    Thanks tOOnces2 for the list.
    As far as I am concerned, the whole of the United States I consider "my neck of the woods."

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