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  1. #1
    ChildhoodDream started this thread.
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    in the kitchen, just banging on the pots & pans


    Last edited by ChildhoodDream; 11-05-2024 at 12:50 AM.

  2. #2
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    we have a bit of everything as the both side of the family has owned many restaurants and myself being in the biz for years..
    stove top is all good quality SS pans and a couple of cast Iron pieces from my grams I really like the skillet from cast iron.
    oven is mostly stoneware and a bit of at that.
    I prefer glass for my canning but the vacuum sealer does a decent job and is much better at storing meat products through the winter.. although a bit wasteful with the plastic..ehh
    tableware is mostly restaurant castoffs many are older than's like a trip down memory lane opening the cupboards..these plates from the catering biz these glasses from dads restaurant, grams salad dressing bottle.. we have a set from the wedding i'll open when life's not so busy they can be taken care of properly as they are gold trimmed and must be cleaned and stored properly, also been slowly working on a set of silverware...not SS coatedware.
    I prefer to cook with gas but we have electric in the house, needless to say we grill way more than we cook on the stove even in the winter months.
    interesting thread.
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  4. #3
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildhoodDream View Post
    So what's in your kitchen?
    You don't want to know.......

    Lets just says its 6 x 10 feet, have a sink bench at each end. The floors covered in computer power supplies exceprt for a 2x3 foot area, theres also boxs of relays and switches for Silver recovery.
    I can't reach the lightswitch at one end and use a pole. I can only see one element of the stove. One end of the sinkbench is covered in dishes that have been there for about 12 months. The other end in food tins, electric jug and coffee etc. The sink is mostly empty.
    The underbench shelves are coved in pots and pans that have not been used in over a year. The overbench shelfs are full of stuff, including my Silver and Silver/Copper contact jars and other stuff. Thats all covered in bird seed thats spilled from a packet 6+ months ago when the mice got at it, plus mice **** so I don't open the cupboards.
    I cleaned up the 1/2 dozen CRT boards last week and theres a rubbish bin too, plastic bags for that and a pile of boxes covered in boxs to contain what the boxes should, except I can't get to them anymore because of more boxes.
    Most of the power supplys have the plugs cut off, except for the odd one or two, they mostly have the steel cases on them, which is why they are there to start off with. Theres a sack full of power supply boards ready to have the Copper and Ali heatsinks removed, under a pile of plastic coated wire that needs sorted to get the Gold plated plugs cut off and then cleaned down for my plastic coated wire sack.
    Theres at least one broom and a small shovel and brush thats been used sometimes.
    My window sills covered in little piles of potential Gold plated stuff and chips of different sorts, also the cats pills. Covered in spider webs because they keep the flys away.
    Some tools in trays on 'stuff' and containerrs of Copper containing Power transistors, theres a 5 gallon pail of them somewhere too, probably beside the other one full of Brass connections ready for burning off the plastic except they got dumped on a 1/2 full container of power transistors as well.

    Theres a bottle of spray disenfectant and some paper towels to clean what I can see of the bench before putting food on it, and after cleaning down CRT boards as well.
    Theres also a clear sack of green electronic boards to have the chips cut off as well as anything else valueable.

    Thats all from memory. If I uncover stuff that could change.

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  6. #4
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    Gotta get myself a woman......

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  8. #5
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    interesting topic. I too prefer cast iron and good SS for cooking, drink from glass, and cook over wood fire.

    there was a book written a while ago I read in college called Class. it talked about, among other things, that items of value, that hold value, and people with class tend to own are made from natural materials, not synthetic. things made from iron, copper, stone, wood, that kind of thing always tend to be things of higher quality...

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  10. #6
    harsas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Gotta get myself a woman......

    LOL. I was sort of thinking just the opposite. If you get a woman, there goes your way of life...

    As for me, my ideal kitchen would have primarily a really large microwave. If it can't be heated in a microwave (some of like our food heavily genetically modified) or ordered over the phone, I am not eating it. I do not cook, with the exception of pasta and soup. I will occasionally use a crock pot when I am desperate for real meat. So, pots and pans are not a problem for me. I do have a soup pot that is bigger than most sinks and it is some sort of steel with a nice ceramic coating on it. As for the stove, it has to be electric. Gas is evil and dangerous and has no place in my home...
    Have Fun,

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  12. #7
    mikeorloff's Avatar
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    "Covered in spider webs because they keep the flys away."

    Good one.

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  14. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Gotta get myself a woman......
    Lol. Better clean up before you bring her home first.

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