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  1. #1
    Rollyrogers33 started this thread.
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    Scrap yards cutting corners or common problems?

    Went to my usually yard, PSC, when they first opened and the scale going in to he pile had an error signal across the screen. Going out of the yard the other sign worked. The week before I went to another yard because of the holiday and their scale screen was broken. Is this a trick to get more product in and less money going out? Or a common problem of cutting back on spending money and fixing things?

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  2. #2
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    Joyce iron and metal is a pretty good yard even if it's owned by PSC. Scale issues are common and costly to fix in some cases. Water, dirt, grime, etc all can wreak havoc on a scale. As long as the reader inside the scalehouse works then you shouldn't be worried. It's the reason most scales have two weight readout machines. One at the scale and one in the scalehouse. Nobody wants to shut down the operation over the scale not reading out correctly.

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  4. #3
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    last time I was at the yard they had the scale being calibrated. I was the last one over before they shut down for a while. stuck around and watched pretty cool how they have everything marked for weight and the weights they used were massive to say the least. the reader was down on my weigh out but the scale in the office was still reading.. I was hoping to find out if I was over or under because of calibration but they weren't gonna tell me. LOL
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  6. #4
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    Like Pistone said, Weigh bridges are costly. My set cost six figures all said and done. Repairs and even routine calibration costs well into the thousands which is money that most yards do not have right now, so if it's operational on one plane, they're going to keep on trucking with it.

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