Conservative vs Liberal and Republican vs Democrat aside, I went to a seminar at NC State University about this just last week.
Ending hunger would do a lot for the population so far as decreasing it, because the survival rate so far as infants would increase greatly. This increase in survival rate would decrease the general populations need to try for so many children.
Just like BigBurtChino said education is very much a factor in population control. They estimate that by 2030 the population will be 9 billion but if you look at the trend so far as developed or "first world countries" go, you'll see that populations are flat lining even tending towards decreasing. This is especially true in America and China. If more of the world were educated, I don't believe that population would be a problem.
Very relevant, very informative TED talk
So far as healthcare, my plan cost twice as much now for a plan that's not even close to the one I had. I can't wait for the day that bill is repealed.
Corporations don't run this country. The people do, for now. The thing about having corporations provide things like healthcare is that it creates competition. When the gov controls it, it's mediocre just like everything else they control. There is no sense of competition, because, why would the gov spend money constantly improving something that they control? They wouldn't. They'll have your money anyways, they're the sole provider. In a capitalistic society such as ours, anyone can create a quality product and rival a large corporation. Look at Yeti, they went from nothing to a multi-million dollar corporation in a few years. If you don't like a corporation, use your dollar to vote. I've said it on here before and I'll say it again. Every dollar you spend is a vote for a corporation. Research just who your money is going to before you spend it on something. You dont have to spend your money at one spot, until it's a government controlled endeavor.....
The government is not competent enough to control every facet of the US economy. This point has been proven time and time again. Look at Russia's old leader Boris Yeltsin, after given a tour through a super market in Houston, he was amazed by the amount of cereals we had on the shelf. He had never seen choices like that. One of his aides claimed he was somber the whole ride home and in 1991 he turned the country more towards a free market.
Socialism is not what this country needs, yet, look what we're advancing towards.
A tip: I find people that tend to use the word (I use the term word lightly.), sheeple, tend to be that which they claim they are not. I find those that cite TV shows are often misguided themselves.