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  1. #1
    street_sweeper started this thread.
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    Made a hundred bucks at shopping mall today

    Cleaned out the garage and had an old game system, four games and and old cell phone. There are three or four places at the mall that buy electronics so took the pile of stuff in and they tested it and netted $100.
    It did take an hour for them to test the stuff and found a place that actually buys RAM and they don't have a tester, they said everything is re sold and not recycled. If your going to sell any old stuff pull the batteries out because
    won't buy anything with exploded batteries. Next week it's off to the Flea Market to see if I can rent a table.

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  3. #2
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Well if you ever get around to that point and want to consign anything, I'm your man. Good luck with the flea market and good job with the stuff at the mall. We use to have a place here that did that but then they were bought by an outfit and changed the name so now all they do is sell video games and systems.

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  4. #3
    matador's Avatar
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    Those places can be convenient, but I think it's worth it to ship to a buyer. I can't think that space in a shopping mall is cheap, and that should result in lower prices. But, of course, I am a little biased

    Still, $100 for some old items in the garage? Sounds like a winner to me!
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  5. #4
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    they are jacking you at any place like that...because...well they have to make a profit and then sell at market rates. Ebay is your friend and probably would have netted alot more. I also would use a buyer here that is not paying "mall" rent (alot of those get a monthly and a cut of business). Moral is, you will most likely get far far more by using those channels....granted you might have to wait a few days instead of money TODAY. If I can make 30-50% more by doing that...all day long my friend, every day of the week.

    Good luck, these are just some suggestions for next time.
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  7. #5
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    What game system and games?
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

  8. #6
    street_sweeper started this thread.
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    Wii with remote and nunchak
    Wii Fit balance board (batteries exploded but i scrubbed the h#ll out of it in the parking lot) they took it
    games were sports, wii fit only desirable Mario Kart and Dance game
    phone was a cheapo Nokia win 8 and an ipod nano
    They basically give you half of what they sell for and yes you can do better on Ebay Clist I don't have the patience although I waited an hour to have stuff tested.
    Having four stores at the mall both buying and selling means there is money being made on this stuff and people actually buy the old games and consoles.

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