I don't know H.G. That's more about politics.
I'm simply concerned about economics. There are things that work and there are things than don't work.
You run into some serious problems when you're trying to deal with the big numbers that are involved with expanding the global money supply and the global economy.
For example: Try wrapping your head around a trillion of anything. It's simply incomprehensible to the human mind. Yet ... our national budget this year is in the trillions of dollars.
There's one thing i'm certain of ....
I know that it would be physically impossible for the U.S. Bureau of Printing & Engraving to print a trillion dollars in 100 dollar bills. If there isn't enough money (or gold) out there circulating around the global economy will stall out and we will have a horrible economic depression like the one we had back in the 1930's.
The only answer i've found so far that makes any sense is that most of the money being created exists as nothing more than account entries within our Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve really isn't a bank. It's more like a go between that interfaces our Federal Government with the private banking system. The government creates the money to expand the economy and the banking system releases it into circulation in the form of loans.
As those loans are paid back, the currency is taken back out of circulation, and the currency deflates.
We're going through the deflationary phase of the recession right now. Economic activity has slowed, there's not as much money around,and it's getting noticeably harder to come by these days. That's forcing prices of things like
scrap metal and other commodities like beef in a downward direction.
Can't really say much more .... you can discuss the logic of certain ideas to see if they hold merit.
You could never reason away a political belief that a person holds dear to their heart.