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Christmas Jars

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  1. #1
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Christmas Jars

    I just heard this story and about the book. I am starting a new Christmas tradition this year because I have many jars of coins I have collected over the years for a rainy day fund. The benefit for me is that every time I put coins in a jar from this point forward, it will remind me of the true meaning of Christmas. Iif other members have been doing this, please share your experiences. Maybe you have other traditions that are charitable. I would love to hear those as well.

    Christmas Jars: A tradition based on the novel by Jason F. Wright
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  3. #2
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    Read through a few of those stories, and coincidentally got some dust or something in my eye.

    Not a tradition, but last year my family asked what I wanted. I said nothing. They persisted. I said go find someone that is hungry. They found a grandma and 2 girls.

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  5. #3
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Just wanted to bump this thread. The reputation of stereotyped scrappers has to do with day to day survival. Most members of this forum are not in this situation. We have computers, families, and homes. I am disappointed more members are not willing to make this small commitment to humanity.

    Regardless, it is a small price to pay to make a difference in the lives around you. Now I will be able to enjoy my anonymous gift because I will know who is benefiting. To those that never give, so be it. To those that give to large organizations, you will never know who benefits beyond the fundraisers. To those that give anonymous gifts, bless you.

    To me this idea is the best Christmas gift I have ever received. A chance to help others everyday with a little out of pocket change. Yes a person can feel good for a week dropping money in the Salvation Army kettle or feel good all year long giving a little bit everyday. I will do both and treasure the latter more. Merry Christmas.

  6. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    That's awesome! I've never heard of that before now.

    this year, instead of exchanging gifts, my boys and I are turning in scrap and putting what we earn towards a donation to Hospice. Hospice, being an organization close to our hearts and minds because of what they have done for us as a family in the past will allow us to pay it forward.

    When I took care of my grandparents in home for 3 years, if it weren't for Hospice, I might not have been able to spend any one on one time with my boys during such a difficult and stressful time. Hospice also played a role in hubby's life. If it weren't for Hospice, I might never have been able to give each of those grandparents their last wishes.

    If our donation allows even one person to spend some time as they wish with a loved one during the holiday season our goal was reached. If our donation helps make it possible for one person to say to themselves ''if it weren't for Hospice'' our goal was reached.

    to think anyone is going hungry in this world is terrible and we do what we can all year long, our whole family. This is something i wanted to do this year instead of gift giving because we have what we need already.

    next year I will put my boys names in a hat, pull one out and let that child pick that years ''Christmas Jar.''

    In the mean time, I'm going to the under sink cupboard and pulling out the empty relish jar.......
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  8. #5
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    That's a great idea! We like to do this:

    Operation Christmas Child
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  10. #6
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Just wanted to bump this post because I mentioned in a thread. The Boy Scout Leader mentioned in the other thread is actually my brother in law. He has not told any of the Scouts who started this in our communities, but a strange thing has happened in the last year. Many members of the community are paying it forward. The Scouts have their own jars that they donate to at their meetings and several of their families have started their own jars.

    To me this is a great way to give people a hand up, not a hand out.

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  12. #7
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    It has been a couple of years since I bumped this thread and at this time of the year it has become a focal point in my thoughts. All of the money found in dryers, on the ground and pocket change is collected through the year. I keep all of the proceeds from scrap for more tools and toys.

    My methodology has changed and to get others involved I have been giving jars out to ministers, teachers, and others to decide how they should be distributed. I ask that I not be told who they benefit and that they remain anonymous. In a small community recipients wonder which neighbors cared enough to give, which lifts their spirits and their demeanor. Since I do not know who benefits, I can assume everyone I come across is benefiting. The real advantage is how one feels inside. Because it is a small community I assume, but do not know, some people might have received more than one jar in a given year.

    The local bank will exchange the coins free of charge and a note is placed inside the jar explaining the process. I do not know the amount in each jar, only that it is the results of collecting coins for a year in our digital age.
    This may atone for some of my vices that are not publicized on the forum.

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  14. #8
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Time to bump this thread given the year we have had and the number of people suffering. My sons families have joined the tradition and added a new twist. They have merged the May Day tradition and plan to drop them off on door steps on Christmas Eve and run. Since I do not know how much money is in the jar and give them to others to distribute I can dream about the small difference I can have on others.

    Maybe you are one of those suffering and if so, I pray you receive a Christmas Jar this year and someday in the future can pay it forward..

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  16. #9
    kss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Time to bump this thread given the year we have had and the number of people suffering. My sons families have joined the tradition and added a new twist. They have merged the May Day tradition and plan to drop them off on door steps on Christmas Eve and run. Since I do not know how much money is in the jar and give them to others to distribute I can dream about the small difference I can have on others.

    Maybe you are one of those suffering and if so, I pray you receive a Christmas Jar this year and someday in the future can pay it forward..

    Saw on the news an estimated 1 in 6 families can't put food on the table right now. And even those that can, might be sacrificing elsewhere to make it happen.

    Usually my work does a huge toys for tots thing this time of year which I support as it is sad to think of how many kids won't have anything under the christmas tree this year, a big jar of money can help go a long way too.

    If there is any year for this type of stuff, it is this year. Good stuff man

    Edit: decided to donate $50 to the county food bank after reading this.
    Last edited by kss; 11-27-2020 at 02:49 PM.

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  18. #10
    wildliferacer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kss View Post
    Edit: decided to donate $50 to the county food bank after reading this.
    That's a very good decision. I'm going to donate as well.

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