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Cooper my Jack Russell 13 years old

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  1. #1
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Cooper my Jack Russell 13 years old

    Cooper pick of the litter, he was only four weeks old when I got him then at six weeks such a holy terror I banished him from the house a move I would soon regret as he soon after was hit by a car. Fortunately he was not hurt, but had a dislike of cars ever since.

    Tree'd his first bear at 10 or 12 weeks of age, killed a least weasel and may rabbits hunted out mice nests for the pinkies he loved to eat. Dug some very deep holes going after ground critters.

    From an early age had his own toys, never chewing on a shoe or sock, when ever he had a food he approved of would run around the house with one of hos sqeakie toys then rub along side the bed before napping - on the bed.

    Cooper named after the Austin Mini Cooper passed away last night at least he did not suffer nor did I have to make the choice of having him put to sleep.

    Jack Russell's are a cool dog that are full of love and energy they're not a dog for everyone as they're smarter than most of their owners and soon have them trained.

    RIP my friend.
    Last edited by alloy2; 01-14-2016 at 02:14 AM.

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  3. #2
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear of your loss, as I know the hurt of loosing such a great friend. Sounds like Cooper spent his life doing just what Jack Russel's were bred to do. They may well be the smartest breed of dogs, I'm sure that's open for debate, but my opinion has been verified again by your post.

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    Its good to celebrate the life of a friend and buddy. I have three buddies here with me and enjoy them everyday. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    My condolences on your loss.

    Like Mike, I got two furry face muncher friends sitting here next to me. Who am I kidding, their family.

    So from me an the wife, and the two face munchers, an even the cat..Our Condolences again on your loss.

    Sirscrapalot - The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. - Samuel Butler

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  9. #5
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss. I have buried six of my best friends, all were pure bred muts. All were smarter than myself. My recommendation, do not replace Jack with the same breed. It will force you to compare your friends. Good luck. Each individual has their own personality, including animals.
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    sorry to hear that

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  13. #7
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Sorry for your loss. I have buried six of my best friends, all were pure bred muts. All were smarter than myself. My recommendation, do not replace Jack with the same breed. It will force you to compare your friends. Good luck. Each individual has their own personality, including animals.
    I hear you mutts are good, but I have come to love this breed more than any other I have had, if I get another dog it will be sure to be another Jack Russell male just as Cooper was with all his hardware. I notice the breeders no longer dock tails, The only mutilation I would allow on my dog would be to have his tail docked, they use an elastic ring similar but smaller than the one used to castrate bulls.

    Cooper had a smooth coat, like Teflon nothing would stick to it, he could go through burr patches and come out clean, he was the long leg variety which did not stop him from climbing trees, yes Jack Russell’s cam climb trees.

    When I had the big crane truck at the Hope scrap yard, the tractor was highway size anyhow Cooper could scramble up the fuel tank right into the cab then sit on the passenger seat waiting to hit the road, sometimes barking and giving me air bites if we didn’t make speed fast enough to suit him.

    He would tug at the binder straps laying on the ground still attached by one end to the truck if the strap was totally loose from the truck Cooper would somehow cover his eyes and run blindly around the yard with the ends of the binder strap in tow.

    His last encounter with a skunk as last summer, he was covered in yellow sticky goo and still wanted to get that skunk.

    Could have made a million dollars with Cooper, used to stop in at Burger King for a burger and fries always getting Copper is own meal, if we were returning from the city late at night a Cooper would be snoozing off would come wide awake as soon as he could smell Burger King.

    I used to get used coffee sacks for the burlap sometimes beans would fall onto the kitchen floor, Cooper loved to chew on coffee beans as well he loved most nuts, peanuts, cashews, filberts, hazel and walnuts - marshmallows were another favourite.

    His favourite meat was wild game, moose, elk and peaking duck, sardines, prawns and smoked oysters. The worse part about the prawns is that he could eat them faster than I could peel them. He would not touch shrimp.

    Certain deli meats he loved while others he would just turn his nose up, if you gave Cooper the same food three days in a row he would prefer to go hungry than eat. One day I made the mistake of putting his food in his water dish, if looks could kill I would be dead three times over.

    A woman will cuddle to you in bed while a Jack Russell will growl at you for taking up too much bed.
    Last edited by alloy2; 01-14-2016 at 05:30 PM.

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  15. #8
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    In 2002 I finally moved out of apartment life and bought my first home. It was perfect for a single guy. 900 some sq feet, hardwood floors, right along the walking path that surrounded a golf course.

    3 days after moving into my new home it was time to adopt my first dog.

    I went to the shelter that day and surveyed my options. There were hundreds of dogs to choose from. I wanted a big dog.

    So they put me in a fenced off area that was outside with probably 40 big dogs. 39 of them took of playing and chasing each other and running around the kennel. One yellow lab 8 months old came over and sat down right beside me. I knew then and there I had found my new best friend, Durango.

    Durango is still with me to this day. We have been through a lot together. He is still my best friend. 8 months old in 2002 makes him about 14-15 years old. He's slowed down a lot obviously, some arthritis and aches and pains, but his mind is still sharp as a tack.

    I know every dog owner says they have the smartest dog ever, but Durango is truly a brilliant dog. I talk to him like he is a person and he understands.

    So I feel for you alloy2. I am dreading the soon coming day when I loose my best friend also. Can't even image the gut wrenching feeling you must have.

    I've put another dog to sleep and had one run over by a car, but when Durango goes it's going to be devastating.

    Don't know what to say except sorry for your loss.

    So many events/stories with Durango. One humorous thing sticks out in my mind.

    I'm riding my bike around the walking path that surrounds the golf course one sunny Saturday morning. Durango is running next to me. There is a foursome of teenaged boys playing golf, and one of them hooks his ball into the grass right along the walking path. The other three boys are in a cart, and they yell "sorry" as they come driving up because the ball landed about 10 feet from us. Right on queue Durango hunches over and drops a huge dump no more than 2 inches from the offenders golf ball. The three boys in the golf cart nearly fell out of it they were laughing so hard. It was pretty classic, guess you had to be there.

    That's my Durango story for the day. Again, sorry for your loss Alloy2.
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  17. #9
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I have had dogs most of my life, except for first two years in Navy. As soon as I graduated from flight school, moved from Virginia Beach to Cali, got me a townhouse right on Venice Beach. I went to local pound and rescued a Black Labrador Retriever, his name was "Doobie". He was about four moths old when I got him, still a pup, at the pound, I saw those big "webbed feet" and knew I had a water dog. That first day I took him down to water and as soon as I let him go, he ran straight into the ocean, I thought he was going to drown. The first wave comes and he dives right under that wave, like he was born to surf. Together we swim into each wave set, until we get beyond the breakers. We swam out there for about a half hour, I start to swim back to the beach, Doobie at first wants to just keep swimming. Finally he starts swimming after me and we crash onto the beach together. That dog loved the water, I eventually taught him to ride my long board, he loved to go sailing and became the best "Frisbee" dog on the beach. I had Doobie for almost 12 years and his hips started going out on him. He got to the point he could not walk, I had to put him to sleep and I cried like a little boy and I'm not ashamed to say it, I loved that dog. Doobie wasn't the last dog I shed a tear for and I bet I'm not the only man that has done that.
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 01-14-2016 at 02:37 PM.

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  19. #10
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    The ground in Manitoba is frozen solid until spring, Cooper is in the freezer until such time the ground has thawed enough to bury him..I'm going to ask Pat to bury him on the Elphinstone property, this is the acreage where he had the most enjoyment.

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  21. #11
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    Sorry for your loss alloy.

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