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Badlands Pawn...

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    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Badlands Pawn...

    We have a new form of "entertainment" in my metro. Good old home boy Chuck Brennan has opened up "Badlands Pawn" across the street from the old Arena in Sioux Falls and "The Denny" (Stanford) Premier Event Center. Badlands Pawn is not only a pawn store but a tattoo parlor, has its own radio station and gun range, and will host intimate rock concerts of about 1,500 capacity. So if you want to drop $175 next week and come see KISS, there may still be tickets available, or better yet, cough up $1,500 and hob nob with Chuck, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, down at the vip table sometime before or after the show. Brennan previously opened the Rock and Roll Academy down next to "Clark County Collections" on the loop and recently bought the local sprint car racetrack (which will also have summer concerts). So ole Chuck is living the American dream large!! Its just too bad that his wealth comes from the struggles of people who get indebted to him through his pay-day loan empire out of Vegas.

    I know some will say that Chuck is filling a void in the capitalist system, loaning people money who can't get loans anywhere else. And people are certainly adults and they can make their own decisions but I wonder how many people entering a Dollar Loan Center and the rest of his establishments really want to be there? How many ever get out of debt to Chuck and his crew?? We all make our own beds, I just have to be able to actually go to sleep in mine after living my actions. I guess I'd rather be a rather plain middle-class dude who doesn't have to step on the bodies of people with money problems to get ahead and all that brings than to go hang out with rock stars who will only be your friend as long as you have the cash to flash and get them things. Then again, the town west of me loves Denny Sanford who also made his hundreds of millions off of people with money issues but now he's giving it all away or at least mostly to Sandford Health to make more money for his groupies (but he really doesn't like things named after him after, how modest!!, just look at the creepy 12 foot statue of old Denny in front of the hospital's main door). In the end, I'm not the one who ultimately judges ...

    Sioux Falls Pawn Shops | Badlands Pawn

    Argus Leader

    Music Lessons For Kids | Brennan Rock & Roll Academy

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  3. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Pawn shops are supposed to be a quick fix to solve a financial emergency. The real scumbags are the payday loans. Some people get in a loop with them that never ends. It's sad really. New York state does not allow payday loans because they're so abusive.

    When I was in my early twenties I did use a pawn shop successfully one time. Meaning that I actually paid my debt and got my stuff (think it was a camera) back.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I have no issues with pawn shops. Payday loans is a different story. Payday loans are predatory an set up so you fail. Or they were before a whole bunch got in trouble.

    Pawn shops provide a service. You have an item worth something, they have cash. I don't see an issue. If you can't pick it up, thats on you. Your a grown adult, an you know what your getting into in a pawn shop. Payday loans on the other hand, don't tell you everything you need to know, have retardedly high interest rates(300%), can screw up your bank account by submitting for payment as many times as they your bank won't stop them, unless they have a limit. So you can easily have your account all f'ed up.

    Pawn shops - You can make your payment in 30 days, or before, or pay a very small fee to roll it over to the next month. Can't do that with a payday loan. They want their money every week, an if you have an issue? tough. They will see you in to the negatives with your bank.

    Short summary - Pawn shops aren't bad. Payday loans are.

    An yes...I'm all for free enterprise. Whether you like it or not, that's not the point. I assure you Payday Loans an Pawnshops aren't the only people out there who screw folks over. I can think of a bunch of companies that do, an you likely still shop there.

    When you start telling people what kind of business they can run, etc, etc...your on a slippery slope. I don't need big brother holding my hand. Commonsense will help you more then big gov will.

    As usual, all yous are general an in no way directed at anyone specifically.

    Sirscrapalot - People want less government in their lives...yet ask for more hand holding. Doesn't compute. - Me.

  6. #4
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    "Sirscrapalot - People want less government in their lives...yet ask for more hand holding. Doesn't compute. - Me."

    Yep, Worthy of a thread but far too political. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Lets not use my tagline/quotes to start wars! lol.

    But back on topic..

    I really don't have an issue with pawn shops an how they operate. I said this above, but saying it again. I've been there as a seller, a buyer, and as some of you remember, I frequent one quite a bit in my day to day dealings. I think it comes down to the monster you know vs the one you don't personally. A pawnshop while they may bull**** around with you on a price, is still held to certain standards by the laws, rules an regulations for the area they are in.

    Here on my sandbar we only have 3. One is shut down, an the other two grandfathered in. The two left an open...they treat the people who come in whether buying or selling the same, and in a professional manner, they won't low ball you or anything like..usually a fair price is given, on a buy, sell or loan. Now this isn't the same in every city/town. Thats not a pawn shop thing though, thats a owner/employee thing, being rude, low balling etc.

    Now a payday loan place...I agree with Dakota. I don't know how they sleep at night. They will see you in ruins in order to get their money from you. A lot of people don't realize this an go in there for that 300.00 loan that ends up turning into a 1000.00 plus loan. Payments, penalties, roll over fees, etc. If I can't pick up an item I have a loan on from the pawn, I can come in an make a payment. Some payday loan places, you can only do 3 extensions. I've seen a lot of good people come to even worse financial ruin because of a payday loan. Not so from a pawn.

    At the end of the day it comes down to this...

    If you can't afford to lose that item your pawning...don't take it in for a loan. Simple.

    If you can't afford a bunch of fees, stress an bull****, don't do a payday loan. Oh an they used to love to prey on the military, till the Government cracked down on them for that. The general public is still screwed tho.

    Ahh well, rather have such a choice tho, then be forced to use a bank. But then...I could say this about banks to. The whole, how do they live with themselves thing. Their just as scummy as pawnshops, payday loan places an lawyers(no offense to any lawyers out there. lol).

    An not trying to be political or none of that nonsense. Ain't nobody got time for all dat!

    Sirscrapalot - Causing controversy through taglines since 2012.

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