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  1. #1
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Do you ever think that there will be a WW3?

    I personally think in my life time there may be with how things are going and how history repeats because it simply does. Any way I was wondering what kind of scenario do you think would lead us to having a WW3. There are so many possible out comes. I would just like to hear how people think. This is just an opinion thread.

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  3. #2
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    We are never going to see another World War. The world has changed. Tech and the way information is transferred and readily available has changed people's views. While there is communism and dictatorships like N. Korea and China, we have a relationship with the big players like China. This was evident in the Iraq war. Iran, China, ect.. could have joined in and it could have gotten really bad really quick but that didn't happen.

    The real threat is with small fractured groups. Groups like ISIS, terrorists and rebels in countries like Syria, Libya, Egypt, ect...

    Its hard to deal with small groups and cells of terrorists with no permanent location, but groups like these have been around for hundreds of years and will always be there. You just try to keep them suppressed and under control.

  4. #3
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    I expect one in the next 20 years. Reason being there are so many terrorist groups around supported by major countries with alliances with other major countries. Sooner or later one of these groups will nuke a city with 100,000's of casualties that will end up getting their masters nuked in return. I can't see a major US, Chinese, Isriel, India, Pakistan, Japanese, or Russian city getting nuked without nukes flying in return. Europe you can probably nuke and get away with it, same with smaller Asian countries. I included Japan in that list because while they do not officially have nukes sitting in a vault they have all the material, knowledge, and parts to built them ASAP if needed and deploy them.

    Both WW1 and WW2 were started by countries fighting over insignificant 3rd parties that snowballed into a mess nobody really wanted.

  5. #4
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    Were already in WW3, this round played out with technology.

    For inatance the play on oil, Chinese junk that dont last more than a week.

    Fraud by conversion cheap junk manufactured overseas
    for hard earned cash leaving country.

    North American manufactured auromobiles with transmissions barely making 200,000 klicks.

    Wake up America.
    Last edited by alloy2; 04-16-2016 at 03:47 PM.

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  7. #5
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    If you look back through history there have hardly been any times of global peace. There's always a war or a skirmish going on somewhere. It's a part of what we humans do. It's a competition for resources between one group and another group.

    You see it in nature too. Ever seen a flock of Seagulls square off against a murder of crows over feeding territory along the shoreline ? Maybe a pod of dolphins killing a lone porpoise that's hunting their area of the ocean ?

    You could say that business is a metaphor for war. Some of the fiercest battles are being waged in the boardrooms and not the battlefields these days.

    The cold war was a battle of economies between the former Soviet Union and the United States.There are economic unions cropping up all over the globe right now. Every one of them is fighting for their piece of the pie.

    Hard to imagine but Russia,Germany,Italy,England,Spain, Portugal, and Iran were all global superpowers of their day. Wars broke out and great empires crumbled into ruin.

    It's hard to accept, but it seems that it was intended that a state of war would always exist in the grand design of things. It helps maintain the balance of nature.

    Too many humans on the planet ? Resources being consumed faster than they can they can be replaced ? It seems inevitable that a widespread war would break out in order to reduce our numbers to more sustainable levels.
    Last edited by Scrappah; 04-16-2016 at 04:51 PM.

  8. #6
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Wouldn't it be nice to have no more wars? Far more productive if we had longer periods of peace!
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 04-16-2016 at 05:09 PM.

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  10. #7
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Yes I think we will

  11. #8
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    If you think about it .... peace leads to complacency and laziness. Idle hands become the Devil's plaything.People become miserable & unhappy when they aren't challenged.

    Competition drives us to achieve great things.You're never so alive as when you're running straight out with a pack of wolves nipping at your heels.

  12. #9
    ragstoriches's Avatar
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    WW3 is already playing out. Just look at the huge investment Russia has made in it's subs and nukes. Now the question is how high will copper, nickel, steel go before it breaks out?

  13. #10
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    Yes and I may or may not be alive to witness it. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  14. #11
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    there will be world wars until the end of the world
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  15. #12
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    Do you ever think that there will be a WW3?

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." Plato. One of my all time favourite quotes.

  16. #13
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    A lot of this stuff is like a spitting contest till one goes astray and the other gets pi$$ed for getting a lugie, then it just starts escalating.

    Once they push the button there's no calling it back.
    Look at Russia now teasing our ships with their planes.
    Just a bunch of kids,,,
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  17. #14
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    There will always be conflicts between countries, these happen for just about every reason and sometimes just because "it needed to happen". Just like there will always be fights between neighbors, family, friends and complete strangers. We all could be better off, if this wasn't true, but it is what it is, with most of us trying to be better people. Same is true with countries, just when things go bad, they can go "really bad". War is a failed situation period, no real winners and always could/should be avoided. Push comes to shoved, I want my country to be capable of prevailing for the betterment of civilized people.

    As for World War III, I pray it never happens. We have had two, two to many! Both had devastating impact on a global scale, with families eliminated from this earth forever, survivors that never ever had a chance to accomplish the simplest of "life's dreams". The last world war ended with devastation that was so well planed, demonstrated and repeated for emphasis "for all on this world to witness".

    I know we have weapon systems that should prevent a World War III, when properly used can eliminate a enemies "will to fight" by removing the quality of life for their society at increasing levels of extreme discomfort, at a controlled rate for desired outcome. We practice and test the "what if" scenarios, fine tuning our capabilities, as new threats appear. These weapons platforms for now, give us a "upper hand" in preventing a conflict, that can (does) deteriorates into a regional war. We continue to spend our resources on building the largest military might to prevent a World War III (that comes at a great price to us all).

    A World War III will lead to a escalated use of Nuclear Weapons. Our defense to this threat is "MAD" Mutual Assured Destruction, this is the plan and why I pray we continue to better the lives of all people, for generations I will never know. I dream those people have learned peace is good and war is bad!

    The problem as I see it, how do you prevent a fanatic society, that give very little value to life? A suicide "religious/fanatic" society that doesn't value life and won't care about anyone's quality of life? That have already stated, "we desire and intend to use nuclear devices for our cause! A society that wants to take their people back into "the stone age", threatens to take us all backwards. We will be at war for the rest of my life!
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 04-17-2016 at 10:09 PM.

  18. #15
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    I don't know .... sometimes it's hard to see things for what they are when you're in the moment. It's not until you look back that you see things for the way they really were.

    There's all this talk about the GLOBAL war on terror. Maybe this is our WWIII ?

    IMO .... there's a reason they want to bomb us back in to the stone age. The traditional religions that are based more on blind faith are doing okay in the lesser developed parts of the world where people are poor and uneducated. They've been losing ground in the industrialized nations for decades. When educated people are given a choice between believing in science or religion they tend to choose the rational explanation.

    A hundred and fifty years ago a child died in it's mother's arms. The mother sat weeping and when she asked why this happened the religious leader told her that it was all part of G-d's plan.

    In 2016 a sick child lies dying in her mother's arms and the doctor explains that she has Leukemia and that they might be able to save her with cutting edge medical treatment.

    If it were your child .... which option would you choose ?

    The fundy extremists know that their days are numbered.The world is changing. You can't really blame them for trying to preserve the old ways. They won't go down without a fight in a last ditch effort to save their dying belief system.
    Last edited by Scrappah; 04-18-2016 at 05:08 PM.

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  20. #16
    scrapbabe97 started this thread.
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    Some thing killed the Dinosaurs (some believe a meteor, some believe disease, and volcano eruption, ect.) they may have not been killed by a bigger dino but an object (or what ever you believe what killed them off), the reason I state that is there is always something bigger than something that can wipe them out.

    Any kind of war is war against someone who challenges us yes, peace can cause laziness but there is at some point gonna be a big war. Even though people say we are in war all the time. we are always because we as humans fight.

    We fight to be better, stronger, wealthier. Its a food chain there is gonna be a point where we all are gonna get eaten or we all got to fight back. We have been in a constant fight but I'm asking when will we snap? Will it end up we all die or would you think it would end up an mono-country?

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  21. #17
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    The US pays huge amounts to private companies to develop and supply the military with goods. Politicians have a stake in these companies. It's called war profiteering, and there is big money in war. And it's not just in the US, it's most countries. Therefore, there will always be war.

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  23. #18
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    We fight to be better, stronger, wealthier. Its a food chain there is gonna be a point where we all are gonna get eaten or we all got to fight back. We have been in a constant fight but I'm asking when will we snap? Will it end up we all die or would you think it would end up an mono-country?
    Depends if you believe in what your religion preaches, and no this is not the start of a religious discussion.

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  25. #19
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapbabe97 View Post
    Some thing killed the Dinosaurs (some believe a meteor, some believe disease, and volcano eruption, ect.) they may have not been killed by a bigger dino but an object (or what ever you believe what killed them off), the reason I state that is there is always something bigger than something that can wipe them out.

    Any kind of war is war against someone who challenges us yes, peace can cause laziness but there is at some point gonna be a big war. Even though people say we are in war all the time. we are always because we as humans fight.

    We fight to be better, stronger, wealthier. Its a food chain there is gonna be a point where we all are gonna get eaten or we all got to fight back. We have been in a constant fight but I'm asking when will we snap? Will it end up we all die or would you think it would end up an mono-country?

    ~If I could teach the world~ BTNH
    * There's a saying that "the only constant is change." Maybe we don't quite know for sure why the dinosaurs died out but it's a pretty safe bet to assume that their environment changed. They weren't able to adapt to the change so they eventually died out.

    That same idea applies to a lot of things doesn't it ? Great religions have been born, prospered, and then died out all throughout human history. Great temples were built only to be leveled by an invading army. The new people came in and built a church, a synagogue, or mosque on the site. The old names of the religions and rituals of worship were forever lost in the sands of time.

    We see the same thing in business all the time. Something about the business environment changes. The business owner can't adapt and is forced to close his doors.

    * Another idea is that things start out simple but grow and become more complicated.The more complicated a thing becomes the more things there are to go wrong with it. Eventually it becomes so complicated that it can't function anymore. At that point the whole system collapses and a new simple order emerges from the rubble. It's like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

    This has been the main problem when global empires have been built in the past. They just became too difficult to manage. If we do see a nano country it probably won't hold together for very long unless we have the help of a very good A.I. There's only so much the human mind can grasp. A Quantum based artificial intelligence might be able to process all of the information flooding in and make good management decisions.

    * As far as the Big Dawgs go ? All you have to do is look out in the field at dusk. You'll see the deer out there feeding. It's usually a buck and his harem of females. The thing is that it's not easy being the buck. When he was young he had to fight his way to the top and take out the older male that was the leader of the group. By the time he got to the top he was exhausted and now he's got all of these younger males looking to take his place. It's a constant battle to remain the alpha male and at the end of the day they all end up dead.

    It's like that in business,politics, and religion too. It's only for awhile. If you're the big boss your days are numbered and there's no escaping your fate. Hard to imagine .... but some day there will be no Unites States of America too. (Things will change and it will become something else.)

    * Will something snap and unleash Armageddon ? It doesn't seem likely. It would be uncommonly difficult to kill off 8 billion people. We've used nukes before and things didn't get out of hand. Even if a few got loose and some religious fanatic destroyed a few cities it would barely put a dent in the system.

    Just an opinion ..... but this seems to be the way of things. It's the impermanent nature of the world we all live in.

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    Last edited by hobo finds; 04-19-2016 at 01:04 PM.

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