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Do you ever think that there will be a WW3? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    jghilino's Avatar
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    yes, its gonna happen

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  2. #22
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Do you ever think that there will be a WW3?

    He who has the biggest stick wins. This is probably the only statement that is causative to our continued existance. Had the US not have been cold war dominant Russia may have slipped and put us right into darkness. Terrorism is much the same. you will always have it but at the same time it will always be both a radical idea and and minority opinion. War though? Not while we continue marching towards a global economy.
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  4. #23
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    I certainly hope not, there is nothing good about war of any kind.
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  6. #24
    cummins's Avatar
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    Our side of the world seems to waking up and looking more at emp or cme or cyber threats and looking at ways to protect our power grid. Unfortunately if you guys down south get hit us Canadians will be in the dark ages with ya. I belive the last two generations live in a bubble where nothing bad could ever happen to us. Even though bad things happen every day to people all over the world and we're not excluded from that. As far as ww3 it won't be like the last 2. Technology has come to far. More buttons get pushed now instead of triggers being pulled. Bewteen Trudeau an Trump it'll be interesting to see how the next few years play out. See how and drama teacher and a millionaire run the new world.

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  8. #25
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Just an opinion, but i would say that it all hinges on tactics and clear headed decision making when a crisis comes up. Pardon my french but we've become a nation of pussies. It's a big bad world out there and nobody is safe. Put on the big boy pants and just roll with it when things get chaotic.

    Case in point:

    There's this little rag tag group of Islamic extremists called Al Qaeda in the Middle East. They don't like outsiders interfering in their affairs. They feel that the Middle East should be for Islam. Some of their key people opposed the Soviet Empire when it was present in Afghanistan. It was a long hard fight but they eventually won and forced the Russians to withdraw.

    Next they turned their attention on the United States. Their main grievance with us was that we left American military bases in the Middle East after the gulf war. It's a Christian nation with a foothold in Muslim territory. That's an old beef that they've been fighting with the Christians and the Jews about for the last 500 years.

    Al Qaeda makes a formal declaration of war. They attack the USS Cole, one of our embassies, and finally the twin towers.

    When the twin towers fell we totally lost our cool. That happened on OUR soil and it destroyed our illusion of safety. We reacted by invading Afghanistan.

    Huge tactical blunder. Doesn't matter how big a stick we carry. That's a war that we could never win. Next we invaded Iraq for some unknown reason and upset the balance of power in the region. Saddam was totally ruthless and kept the Islamic extremists under his thumb. Removing him from power allowed our adversaries to multiply by a thousand. Huge tactical blunder #2.

    Point being: You can have the finest military in the world but if the Commander in Chief is an idiot it's all for nothing. He/she will get you into a war that you can never win and will most definitely wreck your economy.

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  10. #26
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    While your opinion hold true for multiple reasons Scrappah...I must at least inform you there is still a million silent professionals out there, veterans and tier one personnel all over our country all with long LONG combat tours under their belts against an enemy who has tried and failed to gain an edge via guerilla tactics, terrorism and house to house battles. The hipsters and the weaknesses of society today are meaningless because we have ALWAYS had a large section of society whom has never in their lives made any impact to anyone besides themselves. Something like 85% of the population holds no actual tactical positive whatsoever. It is what it is not good, not bad either. That said...those silent professionals will defend this country matter what, myself included so don't feel too bad just because you saw a 30 year old man in yoga pants yesterday.

    Afghanistan and Iraq have both suffered loss of political favor. Given the chance to do our job correctly and without the opinions of leather backed seat warmers in climate controlled buildings, terrorism as WE know it TODAY would not exist. That unfortunately is fact. What you don't know is that Saddam was committing acts of genocide upon the Kurds and it was our duty as a right and just freedom loving nation to remove the man we put there in the first place. I also purport that there is a HUGE reason why we never "found" WMDs...but boy oh boy did we find lots of extremely volatile and dangerous chemical and nuclear components that never made the news. but I suppose we could have just let Saddam do what he does and probably start a war with Iran...again...only this time with more chemicals and possibly nuclear payloads...then what? Economic depression because suddenly oil prices double, triple...quadruple? Everything has consequence.

    For all the failings of Bush, it is the democratic party that lost their stomach for war despite the wild haired old man telling everyone that we have to see this through or it will undo everything and more that we have accomplished...and it has. Tactically speaking as I've said time and time again, when you make a regime change with the intent that it will be friendly to YOUR have to be there to grow and raise it for an entire that way you supplant a age group whom is friendly to you. An age group who knows not war but you building schools and internet cafes for them, patrolling for bad guys and helping their dad find a job. THAT is what you do. As we used to say, in it to win it, that is what got me through so many deployments...every time I went back things were doing better.
    Last edited by armygreywolf; 04-25-2016 at 02:07 AM.

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  12. #27
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    The main problem i see is that the " rightness" of Democracy is something you know in your heart. The choice to embrace it is something that has to be made of your own free will and accord.

    If you try to force your belief on to another it defeats the whole purpose and won't take. Their hearts & minds are with Allah & Islam.

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  14. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantoms001 View Post
    We are never going to see another World War. The world has changed. Tech and the way information is transferred and readily available has changed people's views. While there is communism and dictatorships like N. Korea and China, we have a relationship with the big players like China. This was evident in the Iraq war. Iran, China, ect.. could have joined in and it could have gotten really bad really quick but that didn't happen.

    The real threat is with small fractured groups. Groups like ISIS, terrorists and rebels in countries like Syria, Libya, Egypt, ect...

    Its hard to deal with small groups and cells of terrorists with no permanent location, but groups like these have been around for hundreds of years and will always be there. You just try to keep them suppressed and under control.
    We have witnessed some positive events already.

  15. #29
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    yup soon

  16. #30
    hills's Avatar
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    Jeez ... blast from the past Alloy 2. It's interesting to look back to four years ago. Things have changed some since then.

    I doubt this will make sense because it seems a bit thin even to myself :

    What we're talking about here is World War. That's a widespread GLOBAL WAR ... not a regional war.

    We're currently engaged in a global war against a force of nature. This force of nature is called Covid--19 and just about every country in the world has been affected by it.


    LMAO .... this is where it gets thin and everybody's gonna think that i've slipped a cog. ( Please flame accordingly ! )

    The Dao De Jing gives a lot of insight into Chinese culture, history, and religion. Translated to english it comes up being something like " The Book The Way ."

    It's very roughly equivalent to the Holy bible of the Christians, The Koran of the Muslims, and the Torah of the Jews. These holy scriptures have been hugely influential in the way people think.

    Let's take something simple like the word G-d. The first image that would pop into the mind of a Christian would probably be a benevolent old man sitting on a throne in Heaven that is all forgiving. The Muslims seem to have a prohibition against making any pictures of G-d. The G-d of the Torah could be a very angry and vengeful fulla if you didn't toe the line. The Chinese version is something incomprehensible to most people. It's simply a force that set things in motion .... absolutely nothing beyond that.

    Loooong story made much too short. The Chinese don't always think the way we do.Some of the concepts they hold are so alien to our way of thinking that it's hard to relate to them. Something could standing right there plain as day and we would never see it.

    That doesn't make it wong just cause it doesn't make sense to us.

    It's not outside the realm of possibility that they turned a force of nature loose on themselves in order to make things right in the world. They will take some casualties but it may very well collapse those political and economic systems that aren't in harmony with " The Way ".
    Last edited by hills; 08-15-2020 at 09:26 AM.

  17. #31
    WhiteSquirrel's Avatar
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    We're stocking up on TimBit cannons and training our Cavalry Moose up here in Canadia Land just in case anyways....

  18. #32
    hills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteSquirrel View Post
    We're stocking up on TimBit cannons and training our Cavalry Moose up here in Canadia Land just in case anyways....
    No worries mate !

    A favored quote from " The Art of War " written by Chinese general Sun Tzu.

    " The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

  19. #33
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    It's not outside the realm of possibility that they turned a force of nature loose on themselves in order to make things right in the world. They will take some casualties but it may very well collapse those political and economic systems that aren't in harmony with " The Way ".
    I am of the belief it was unloosed to cripple the world economy to help level the playing field for China.

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  21. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    I am of the belief it was unloosed to cripple the world economy to help level the playing field for China.
    I don't think we will ever know for sure T. That's the hard part ... it could have been something that happened naturally. We can't nuke em' just because we suspect they did something. We would need definitive proof.

    Very clever these Chinese people !

    I'm just a newbie so i may have this completely wrong:

    From what i've been able to gather from The Book of the Way, and similar Chinese texts, is that they have a certain picture of what correct political leadership and correct government should look like. It's similar to our notions of service leadership, where leaders of impeccable virtue lead selflessly for the greater good, ... and wealth, like water, naturally flows everywhere from it's highest point to the lowest. That might be why the idea of Communism works for them.

    In their view: Our system of government and leadership is hopelessly selfish & corrupt. It will naturally collapse in upon itself in due time. They really don't have to do anything but sit and wait patiently for nature to take it's course.

    It's kinda like a giant boulder perched at the top of a mountainside with little or nothing to hold it in place.
    Maybe you would be tempted to come along and give it the tiniest push just to help things along ?
    Last edited by hills; 08-15-2020 at 08:36 PM.

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