A pretty quiet and uneventful day at work and both boys gone so M and I decided to go into SF for supper tonight. Unfortunately, it did p stay uneventful for our neighbors about 6 or so houses up the hill from us. M got a text while we were waiting for our food from a friend that there was a big house fire in our neighborhood. You sit there wondering is it our house? If not, is anybody hurt?? Drove back in the whole street was filled with first responsers. The event was pretty much over but the house was totaled. They had just seeded their lawn today! New construction, in the house for about 9 months. Sounds like a grill on a deck with an overhang took off on him. I know I'll be stocking an extinguisher out on my deck. Once it got into the rafters, it was gone! What a crappy way to start a weekend but thank God no one was hurt!!