My younger son had been bugging me nearly everyday this summer about buying a truck by showing me ads on craigslist. We finally pulled the trigger on one around his 16th b-day in early August. Its a 1994 Ford F-150XLT with 115K for miles, a rather particular younger guy (came across that way) had the pu as a secondary vehicle. T was short in his bank account for the full amount so he still owes mom, and then he still owes mom for the $600+ in repair bills for a bunch littler stuff that needed to get fixed to make the rig more road worthy--if I would have known how "secondary" the truck was used, I would have pushed harder for some coin off of the asking price. Anyway, the kid thinks this beast is the best thing since sliced bread, although I suspect most of his part-time job money will go into keeping it running. No better time to learn some of life's needed lessons.
P.S. Dad might have to borrow it a few times to pick up scrap items with it!!