Collecting tractors to restore, Case 195, Satoh S650G, Simplicity Powermax 9020 my favorite is the Kubota B7001 a small 4x4 that I currently use with a blower to clear snow from the driveway and make a few walking trails on the property.
Over the winter months rebuilding the Onan engine from the Simplicity, a side story on the engine.
Previous owner thought the engine was shot because of the oil smoke coming from the exhaust, he quit using the tractor but left it to the environment water entering the engine seized it up solid. When I tore the engine down found the problem, the fuel pump had a bad diaphragm that allowed raw gasoline to pass into the crankcase diluting the oil to the point it could pass by the piston.
It's rather unfortunate that I happened onto the tractor after the weather damage, as a simple fuel pump replacement would have solved the oil burning problem.
Going to run in the neighborhood of $800.00 in parts to overhaul the Onan, I had looked into re-powering with a Vanguard or a Honda but have decided the heavier cast iron Onan engine is of superior quality. You would never get 30 years of service from an engine having an aluminum block.