If anything that is like a Ponzi about BitConnect its the referral program. Its not much of one because it only covers 3 levers. I was also thinking if they were going to exit scam everyone they would have done it when Bitcoin hit 20K. Like Lazer did. BitConnect has had there opportunity to run with everyone's money, especially when the website was down for 3 days 4 months ago.(I wasn't in it then.) They have there own exchange, they have there own coin, and they are opening up to more Cryptocurrencys and being able to buy with fiat currency next year. What I see them doing is cutting out Coinbase (with there higher fees) and other exchanges. At the same time making it easier and faster to move bitcoin and larger coins to customers all the while providing a hedge for the volatility of the crypto markets in general.
Here is my story for the 4 days bitcoin dropped from 20k to 12k roughly between the 16th -20th of Dec.. With BitConnect I received interests of 16th =1.46%, 17th= .98%, 18th=.48, 19th= .11%, and the 20th= 1.5%. equaling to approximately (I think it was more) $679.50 just from the interest. I've entered in BitConnect because I don't have the nerves to hold Bitcoin while it drops 1k here or 2k there. With BitConnect I check the interest for the next day and when it hits 1k I withdraw it to my bank, or I reinvest.
P.S. As of 12/31/17 Ripple is at $2.30 good job auminer.