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    Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies

    Anyone else spend their scrapping proceeds on cryptocurrency? I have some and I am way in the black. I think in the end cash will wind up going the way of the buggywhip and I have been trying to figure out where to put my meager assets to protect what little I have. My biggest regret is that I didn't buy more when they were dirt cheap.

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    logansryche's Avatar
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    I've dabbled in bitcoin on and off for 7 years. I could never think of a service I could offer their community that'd already been done before, but last I'd heard they had a physical way of loading your btc onto a card and using the card at places. There's no official forum for bitcoin, but have you been to bitcointalk? About as close to an official forum as anything.

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  5. #3
    auminer's Avatar
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    I'm going the opposite way with my scrap $$$...

    A portion of the home stash. There's a few other caches around, plus some metal that my username pays homage to... I can't get to that very easily (and neither can anyone else!!!)

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  7. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    I do not understand the bitcoin and other electronic currencies and assume if and when the government eliminates cash I will be able to take my cash in for exchange for the new currency. Therefore I keep cash on hand. I do not trust electronics because of its vulnerability and it seems like an easy way for others to track your spending habits. What happens if the grid goes down, will people be able to access their money? If the bitcoin is not the currency selected, will you be able to exchange it? Since I do not have the knowledge, I do not have the answer to any of the statements above.

    My profits go back into my farm restoration business. Land is by far my biggest investment because they do not make it anymore. This post is using the Socratic questioning technique to encourage more discussion not to influence or be critical of anyone's beliefs. I want to learn more.
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  9. #5
    logansryche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    I do not understand the bitcoin and other electronic currencies and assume if and when the government eliminates cash I will be able to take my cash in for exchange for the new currency. Therefore I keep cash on hand. I do not trust electronics because of its vulnerability and it seems like an easy way for others to track your spending habits. What happens if the grid goes down, will people be able to access their money? If the bitcoin is not the currency selected, will you be able to exchange it? Since I do not have the knowledge, I do not have the answer to any of the statements above.

    My profits go back into my farm restoration business. Land is by far my biggest investment because they do not make it anymore. This post is using the Socratic questioning technique to encourage more discussion not to influence or be critical of anyone's beliefs. I want to learn more.
    Bitcoin is untraceable. It's all computer hashes, which is why governments(particularly the US Government) haven't been able to tax or gain control over it. If the grid does ever go down, you wouldn't have access to bitcoin or anything else electronic. It'd be Live Free or Die Hard all over again. What you'd have left over is a Fallout-type world where all currency is useless and barter systems pop up.

    Quote Originally Posted by eastky View Post
    Is your bitcoin insured in case of hacks and theft? Could or will a hacker attack wipe out your account? If you cant hold it in your hands or feel the weight of it in your pocket its not real.

    People call USA currency fiat money that's not real and has no real value. I can and will tell you when Mother Liberty draws those purse strings closed that bitcoin wont be worth much. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.
    Bitcoin or any other virtual currency is not insurable as the transactions are untraceable, and large companies that delt with bitcoin only have been hacked numerous times only to have no recourse because there was no way to trace the hack, only see that one took place. It's not really so much the hashing programs itself that are vulnerable, it's online wallets that hold your bitcoin.

    I probably know more about bitcoin then I should, and this isn't the first thread on here to pop up about it.

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  11. #6
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    Is your bitcoin insured in case of hacks and theft? Could or will a hacker attack wipe out your account? If you cant hold it in your hands or feel the weight of it in your pocket its not real.

    People call USA currency fiat money that's not real and has no real value. I can and will tell you when Mother Liberty draws those purse strings closed that bitcoin wont be worth much. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.

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  13. #7
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    I'm going the opposite way with my scrap $$$...

    A portion of the home stash. There's a few other caches around, plus some metal that my username pays homage to... I can't get to that very easily (and neither can anyone else!!!)

    I have some PM too. I just decided to take a little and buy some Bitcoin and Etherium. I will post a pick of some of the PM loot another time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    I do not understand the bitcoin and other electronic currencies and assume if and when the government eliminates cash I will be able to take my cash in for exchange for the new currency. Therefore I keep cash on hand. I do not trust electronics because of its vulnerability and it seems like an easy way for others to track your spending habits. What happens if the grid goes down, will people be able to access their money? If the bitcoin is not the currency selected, will you be able to exchange it? Since I do not have the knowledge, I do not have the answer to any of the statements above.

    My profits go back into my farm restoration business. Land is by far my biggest investment because they do not make it anymore. This post is using the Socratic questioning technique to encourage more discussion not to influence or be critical of anyone's beliefs. I want to learn more.
    Thank you. I am going to try to answer some of your concerns from my point of view, not to influence you, but to give you my point of view.

    Bitcoin is not controlled by the government. It is an open source distributed serve, currency accounting, software program.I cannot be shut down by attacking one hub, it cannot be audited except for the continuity of the blockchain (the algorithm that protects the integrity of the Bitcoin currency accounting). The holders of coins are completely anonymous, although the crypto banks can be audited to audit account holders, but the Bitcoins themselves are completely anonymous.

    If the "grid" were to "go down," I suppose you would lose access to Bitcoins. Theoretically they would still be there, and once the grid was back up, access would return, but the same concern could be raised regarding cash kept in banks (ATM's would be unlikely to function).

    Bitcoin is not the currency selected now, but it is able to be exchanged.

    Quote Originally Posted by eastky View Post
    Is your bitcoin insured in case of hacks and theft? Could or will a hacker attack wipe out your account? If you cant hold it in your hands or feel the weight of it in your pocket its not real.

    People call USA currency fiat money that's not real and has no real value. I can and will tell you when Mother Liberty draws those purse strings closed that bitcoin wont be worth much. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme.
    It is insured against hacks and theft by the continuity and integrity of the blockchain. Thus far, the Bitcoin blockchain has not been compromised. As I understand it, there has been at least one bank that was compromised and people lost their account holdings, but the Bitcoins were not "taken" from the people, they were "taken" from the compromised bank.. Much in the same way cash money could be stolen from a bank.

    Yes, a hacker could wipe out an account, but hackers could wipe out your bank account.

    "If you cant hold it in your hands or feel the weight of it in your pocket its not real."... You can pull Bitcoin out from the net and print it out. It basically looks like a QR code you see in advertising. If that piece of paper were stolen from you, were you to follow protocols, it would not be the same as having a wallet full of cash stolen. Cash in a wallet would be gone, no chance of return. The paper Bitcoin wallet would be passphrase protected and would be unusable without the passphrase. A new paper wallet could be printed out and the bitcoins kept in the wallet would be there. You talk about "the weight and feel," using your criteria, what makes a hundred dollar bill any more valuable than a dollar bill?

    You are correct when you say that people call cash fiat, but that is not technically correct. As I understand the definition of "fiat currency," a value is place on the currency, such as, this bill is worth this much gold, or silver, or copper or other. Our currency is a representation of debt. In my opinion, our use of debt as the backing of our currency bothers me more because as the government prints more, it just puts us all deeper into debt.

    "Mother liberty" cannot close the purse strings on Bitcoin because "mother liberty" has no control over Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin does not seem to satisfy the definition of a Ponzi scheme. It is a method of value representation and not a method of making money, any more than holding a particular gold coin is a method of making money.

    Some of the questions seemed to me to be a bit adversarial and confrontational. I don't mind, but I am not trying to undermine any belief to anyone here. I will be very happy to try to explain the best I can the way I understand the theory behind cryptocurrency, but I am not looking to slay any of your sacred cows. I will give my opinion, I will listen to your opinion, but I will actually care about your opinion about cryptocurrency as much as I care about your opinion about Trump or Clinton. We all make our own choices about how to best keep the proceeds of our labor in the way it suits us best.

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  15. #8
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    According to antivirus seller Kaspersky Lab, there’s a new Trojan — spotted just yesterday and spreading via Skype — that takes control of infected machines and forces them to do known as Bitcoin mining, a way of earning digital currency.

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  17. #9
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    "Some of the questions seemed to me to be a bit adversarial and confrontational."


    I hope my questions did not come out in that manner for that was not the intent and I apologize. I truly wanted to know more about them and knew nothing about them until this thread and further research. I do not have the knowledge for ewaste so I concentrate on power plants, water tanks, and farm machinery. I do not understand electronic trading so I invest in things known. I will continue my research on bitcoins to find out if is another way I can diversify. Thank you for your response.

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  19. #10
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    "Some of the questions seemed to me to be a bit adversarial and confrontational."


    I hope my questions did not come out in that manner for that was not the intent and I apologize. I truly wanted to know more about them and knew nothing about them until this thread and further research. I do not have the knowledge for ewaste so I concentrate on power plants, water tanks, and farm machinery. I do not understand electronic trading so I invest in things known. I will continue my research on bitcoins to find out if is another way I can diversify. Thank you for your response.
    Not at all. I was more referring to the post after yours. But even so, I did not take offense to eastky. I was just trying to let those here know that I am not challenging any beliefs to or fro. The OP stands for itself. I was just asking if anyone else here had bought any cryptocurrencies. Again, I will be happy to answer any questions as well as I can, but I don't have any fight in me for anyone in this forum. As far as I am concerned, we are all warriors here on the same side of the not so precious metals war. Y'all here my brothers.

    ... and, by the way, I am a little envious of you holding land as a backup currency. I am working towards making property (other than my home) part of my EOTWAWKI prep.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 05-20-2017 at 10:05 AM.

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  21. #11
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    lots of them out there check out this chart. All Currencies | CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations

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    Let me start by saying I am not a advocate for digital currency's , all information I have gathered from questions has just led to multiplying my questions . Have you considered selling your Bitcoin and purchasing a rig to strictly mine etherium ? Not saying this is right or wrong just curious on your opinion as you seem to have more information on the subject than most of us here .
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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  25. #13
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    For several thousand years, the most effective unit of payment is cash or precious metals. Bitcoin has the right to exist as an alternative to traditional currency. But I think that there is no need to translate all their savings into bitcoins, we do not need to move from extreme to extreme, we need to find a middle ground. Bitcoin are directly related to the presence of electricity in the network, there is no electricity - no bitcoins - there is no way to buy anything. In the world there are many countries in which there is no way to pay for purchases with bitcoins, and there are no countries where you can not buy for cash. I do not impose my point of view on anyone, it's just my thoughts...

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    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalbestos View Post
    Let me start by saying I am not a advocate for digital currency's , all information I have gathered from questions has just led to multiplying my questions . Have you considered selling your Bitcoin and purchasing a rig to strictly mine etherium ? Not saying this is right or wrong just curious on your opinion as you seem to have more information on the subject than most of us here .
    I tried mining Bitcoins. Lichens grow faster than a mined Bitcoin purse. Etherium is probably the same. If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth anything. On another note, I bought $200 worth of Etherium a couple months ago for $10+ a coin. It has probably been one of the best lucky breaks I have ever lucked into. I cashed 8 coins out at $43 and doubled my investment/stake and I still have 10+ left in the game. At this point, they are $125 a coin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bator View Post
    For several thousand years, the most effective unit of payment is cash or precious metals. Bitcoin has the right to exist as an alternative to traditional currency. But I think that there is no need to translate all their savings into bitcoins, we do not need to move from extreme to extreme, we need to find a middle ground. Bitcoin are directly related to the presence of electricity in the network, there is no electricity - no bitcoins - there is no way to buy anything. In the world there are many countries in which there is no way to pay for purchases with bitcoins, and there are no countries where you can not buy for cash. I do not impose my point of view on anyone, it's just my thoughts...
    I have not suggested that you put "all your savings into bitcoins." I would also remind you that without electricity, there would be no way to access your cash savings. I would also like to point out that there are a couple countries that have shut down cash and the only way to pay is to pay electronically. There are also countries that have outlawed "larger bills" to make it difficult to remove savings from the bank. It looks to me like the governments are incentivized to make it difficult to keep cash and pay with cash.... Just for the record, I also keep some cash available.

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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post

    I would also like to point out that there are a couple countries that have shut down cash and the only way to pay is to pay electronically. There are also countries that have outlawed "larger bills" to make it difficult to remove savings from the bank. It looks to me like the governments are incentivized to make it difficult to keep cash and pay with cash.... Just for the record, I also keep some cash available.
    If the government can eliminate cash, they will be able to track and control everyone a bit easier. Wonder what the drug dealers will use?
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    If the government can eliminate cash, they will be able to track and control everyone a bit easier. Wonder what the drug dealers will use?
    History shows that people will use durable goods as currency. In Germany, post WWII, cigarettes, liquor, chocolates, nylons, etc. were used as mediums of exchange. In the Communist times, blue jeans and coffee could get you almost anything.

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  33. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    If the government can eliminate cash, they will be able to track and control everyone a bit easier. Wonder what the drug dealers will use?
    The drug and sex trades are probably what is keeping cash afloat. The Feds don't need to track everyone, just the the people with enough legitimacy to make them afraid to lose what they have by becoming criminals. It's like the Proles in 1984; they have more "freedom" because they are extended almost no state service.

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    In my opinion if the **** really hit the fan about the only valuable items in the world would be guns/ammo/food/water........Lets just hope we never see those days

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  37. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    In my opinion if the **** really hit the fan about the only valuable items in the world would be guns/ammo/food/water........Lets just hope we never see those days
    But just in case we do see those days, booze, ground coffee, and medication/medical supplies will have bartering value.

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  39. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDC76 View Post
    But just in case we do see those days, booze, ground coffee, and medication/medical supplies will have bartering value.
    Sorry, but I'm not tradin' off my beer or coffee...(well maybe the coffee)...

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