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  1. #21
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    As customers prepare for next week’s total solar eclipse, Amazon has issued a recall for some of the eclipse glasses sold on its internet marketplace, saying it was unable to confirm whether the protective ware was made by a recommended manufacturer.

    NASA and the American Astronomical Society have been urging solar gazers to use glasses engineered by reputable vendors that carry the international safety standard number “ISO 12312-2.”

    Eclipse glasses made under these standards block 100,000 times more light than ordinary sunglasses. Even brief, unprotected glimpses of the sun can cause blurry vision or blindness. The American Astronomical Society has spotted counterfeit eclipse glasses on Amazon in the past.

  2. #22
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  3. #23
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Today is the day! We will be in Simpsonville SC in the path of totality. Wish us clear skies!

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  5. #24
    Faceball's Avatar
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    Im in the 70% path but its not looking good for today. Cloudy and overcast with chance of rain this afternoon in NY

    Good luck and view safe everyone.
    Mother Nature; all time #1 recycler

  6. #25
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    I can't wait to watch the news tonight. I expect just like the hurricanes they'll have a reporterette standing outside in the dark telling us its dark outside. For those of you who don't live on the coast we have national butt heads who work for national "news" companies. These reporters stand on or next to the beach and tell us that the wind is blowing.

    Perhaps I'll wait and read here just how dark it got. Have fun guys. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #26
    CapitalRecovery's Avatar
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    I live on the west coast and we cant see crap, but that's due to the smoke from all the fires.

  9. #27
    Faceball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faceball View Post
    ... its not looking good for today. Cloudy and overcast...
    Morning didn't look promising but it cleared out and was beautiful.

    Here is my set-up in my jobs parking lot. 236 power w/ 20 mm eyepiece and sun filter

    This was taken with my coworkers iPhone held up to the eyepiece at peak time; 2:38 pm in upstate New York
    Big picture ... sorry. Wanted you to see the detail

    You can see the sun spots and on the Moon edge you can see detail of mountains and ridges

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  11. #28
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    Nice photos. I like sun spots(ke4ilg). 73, Mike

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  13. #29
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    was in path of totality for about a minute........Was well worth the effort

  14. #30
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Well, I am back home now. Monday was amazing. I drove up with my friend Scott. I had asked him in January if he would like to go with me. we left Sun morning and got to NC that evening. I expected to be caught in traffic, but it was pretty light the wole way. Just a bit of a slowdown north of Atlanta. We stayed with friends in NC Sunday night. Monday morning we drove down to Simpsonville, SC where my friends had planned an eclipse party with their friends. There was at least a dozen of us there and everyone was really excited about seeing the eclipse (many people I talked to beforehand had little idea what an eclipse was so it was nice to be among kindred spirits). As the eclipse started, some clouds started rolling in and I was worried it would be a disappointment, but the clouds blew away and we had perfect clear skies for the total...

    This is a picture of a telescopic projection of the start of the eclipse. You can see the clouds that were starting to come in at the beginning. I thought the clouds over the sun made a really neat picture...

    This picture was taken with my phone looking through a telescope eyepiece. I don't know if you can zoom it up to see the edge of the moon, if you can, you can see the texture of the moons surface backlit on the edge of the profile.

    Crappy phone picture of totality does not do justice to the view to the eye...

    My friend Scott was reading that morning that there would be an odd shimmering on the ground just before and after totality that they said could not be transferred to photos or video. It was really cool. It looked like the shimmering of the ripples on the bottom of the pool, only subtler. When we got back, we were telling our wives about it and noticed that the ripples the aquarium light makes on the back of our aquarium is pretty close to the effect that you see all over the ground.

    Another one in '24 and we both said the wives are gonna be there with us for that one.

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