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How many of ya'll carry?

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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    How many of ya'll carry?

    Was replying to another post an wanted to start a topic so I am not high jacking theres.

    But how many of ya'll carry and what do you carry with you?

    Right now I am carrying a Glock 23 or my S&W SW40VE and have plans on getting the S&W M&P

    My carry weapons are all 40cals but I have a few other cals as well.

  2. #2
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    Don't carry, but I have a S&W M&P 9mm.

    Had several other guns but with the economy and what not had to sell them.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    No need. I can leave the truck and trailer loaded with the keys in the ignition. It'll all be there when I get back. I don't even consider anything like "car-jacking".
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I have a special tool box that I hope I don't have to use...S&W 40 and Dbl Brl 12ga. Let's just say its very compact.
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  6. #5
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    No need. I can leave the truck and trailer loaded with the keys in the ignition. It'll all be there when I get back. I don't even consider anything like "car-jacking".
    Tell me the town you live in...I will move there...

    If you broke down on the side of the road here and you left the keys in a few hours someone will have your car running and moved off the side of the road...they just wont send you a bill or...for that fact anything else!

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  8. #6
    vamped400's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    No need. I can leave the truck and trailer loaded with the keys in the ignition. It'll all be there when I get back. I don't even consider anything like "car-jacking".
    x2 on that. I keep my doors unlocked, garage unlocked, keys in the toys and have never had ONE single thing stolen. It might bite me in the a$s some day but i doubt it especially when you live in a town like exeter.

  9. #7
    Saroro's Avatar
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    Pretty much the same here. My part of town is nice. I can leave my doors unlocked and not worry. Go 15 minutes east, and I would have barred windows. lol As per the OP, not packing yet, but been looking to get one soon. Just haven't done enough research yet.
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  10. #8
    c4f5's Avatar
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    I keep guns at home, but do not pack. However, I have every respect for your right to do so, and do not think it should be infringed upon in any way, shape, or form. I am glad I live in an area where I don't find it necessary. Much like Mick, I am not even sure if my vehicle door locks work or not. In fact, I'm not sure I even have a door key for my F350. There is an 8mm on my wall for umwelcome guests, generally the 4 legged kind. Would like to get the daughter a pea-shooter before she goes off to college, though, maybe a lil pink 38 or something like that.

  11. #9
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    damm seems like theres alot of good towns around the us. I know here in dallas...theres a fair bit of crime. That is why I do. Never been robed yet..but there is a first time to everything.

  12. #10
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    Personally I respect your right to carry! BUT.... I think you just may be asking for trouble! You do what you feel you need to do to protect yourself, if you are scrapping honestly there is no need to carry a weapon while doing it....just saying!

  13. #11
    Kris Kringle
    So I guess you know everyperson you buy scrap from DC thats Great Some of us Live in the Real World

  14. #12
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCMinor View Post
    Personally I respect your right to carry! BUT.... I think you just may be asking for trouble! You do what you feel you need to do to protect yourself, if you are scrapping honestly there is no need to carry a weapon while doing it....just saying!
    Has nothing to do with scrapping honestly or asking for trouble just a tool like any other tool...some you use all the time, some you hardly ever use but scrap metalscrap metalscrap metalscrap metal glad you have it when you need it.

  15. #13
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCMinor View Post
    Personally I respect your right to carry! BUT.... I think you just may be asking for trouble! You do what you feel you need to do to protect yourself, if you are scrapping honestly there is no need to carry a weapon while doing it....just saying!
    Your not asking for trouble. No one knows if I have it or not have it an if I draw it...I tend to use it and I shoot to kill. There are times (watch you tube videos) where people will rob you even for the money in your back pocket. When you are a scrap yard like my self and you may have over 10grand sitting in your truck make sure you guard that money at all costs.

    I am not just some random person carrying a weapon but full trained in its use. I hold a level 3 commission card that gives you training in the use of deadly weapon. I all so have gone shooting with many cops who I am friends with an have had them give me "training" off the books. I have done and been in combat shooting practice. So when I say I have training in the use of what I carry...I mean it. and the use of ANY WEAPON is the LAST thing you do...only if and when needed same as a cop...only when needed.

    It was like maybe two months ago here in Dallas. A gas station was robbed at gun point...many people where shot...some killed...they robbed the place for under a grand worth of money and cigs. I will see if I can find that news story...

  16. #14
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Not really the link I was looking for but you will see what I am talking about

  17. #15
    Kris Kringle
    I Detest Idiots that Chime in without knowing the Full Post I bet he is part of the one that was for HOPE & Change

  18. #16
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I live in So Az so... Yes

  19. #17
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    Hey vamped400 could I get your address please?..hehe

  20. #18
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    No need. I can leave the truck and trailer loaded with the keys in the ignition. It'll all be there when I get back. I don't even consider anything like "car-jacking".
    I wanted to revive an old thread on a similar topic as a recent one. Some old timers chimed in on this thread. Mick was one of the best and it is only fitting to quote him.

    The only time I pull the keys from a vehicle is when visiting a big city (Denver, Omaha, Minneapolis). My trucks are manual transmissions and kids today would not know how to drive them. Keys are left in all machinery and vehicles. Neighbors know if they break down they can borrow a vehicle. It is a common practice at both of my homes and I do not even know where the house keys are for either one. Neighbors keep tabs on both places and strangers stick out like a sore thumb.

    I carry sometimes, but not always. I do not have the training or experience others talk about. What I do have is plenty of practice and confidence in my ability. Each of my scrapping trucks have at least one rifle, one shotgun, and one pistol. These are used for protection, not from people, but for varmints. Skunks and raccoons are numerous where I am working and if they are moving during the day they might be rabid.

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    Last edited by Patriot76; 07-06-2020 at 07:37 PM.
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  22. #19
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    I wanted to revive an old thread on a similar topic as a recent one. Some old timers chimed in on this thread. Mick was one of the best and it is only fitting to quote him.

    The only time I pull the keys from a vehicle is when visiting a big city (Denver, Omaha, Minneapolis). My trucks are manual transmissions and kids today would not know how to drive them. Keys are left in all machinery and vehicles. Neighbors know if they break down they can borrow a vehicle. It is a common practice at both of my homes and I do not even know where the house keys are for either one. Neighbors keep tabs on both places and strangers stick out like a sore thumb.

    I carry sometimes, but not always. I do not have the training or experience others talk about. What I do have is plenty of practice and confidence in my ability. Each of my scrapping trucks have at least one rifle, one shotgun, and one pistol. These are used for protection, not from people, but for varmints. Skunks and raccoons are numerous where I am working and if they are moving during the day they might be rabid.

    Feeling safe and secure in Absaroka.
    It is a little humbling to think that my words could possible affect those far into the future. Prior individuals had a relatively small chance of having their words and thoughts read well into the future by others. These days, there is a possibility that my great great great grandchild could read these words I took a few seconds to jot. Of course, the life of humanity could be as fleeting as the life of a human being.

    As far as carry, I do when I feel it is a good idea. Florida is a hard state to carry in because there isn't much "conceal" to carry in. I have a wallet holster that I will carry if I am alone working a a house in an unfamiliar neighborhood or when I travel or camp. My CCP is reciprocated by most states I would drive through or visit.
    Last edited by t00nces2; 07-07-2020 at 10:40 AM.

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