I have a handyman business that I have worked for 20 years. Recently, I got a call from someone who wanted me to fix a hole in the wall of a store where they had to cut a hole to get a bird out. It was one of the net 45 jobs which means I have to wait 45 days to get a check. I was like yeah, yeah, and ignored the call. They called again and again and each time I would talk to the guy, I would kinda try to blow him off. I finally sid I would take a look and I gave a price I thought they would refuse, and they didn't. I still didn't go back to do the job for a couple days because I believed in the end I would get stiffed. Well, I did eventually go back and did the work for them and took before and after pics and had the manager sign off on the work. I send the info back and hear nothing from them. I finally call them up and ask and get the "we need to get paperwork from you" treatment. I will include the e-mail back and forth I got just for your entertainment. I guess I should have trusted my instincts. The sad part is I have another net 45 job out with another company that may go the same way. I won't take another net 45 job in the future..
Here are my e-mails to them...
Wow. Not even a thank you for getting the job done. Fine. You got me.
On 8/15/2017 11:09 AM, Pamela Roberts wrote:
> Mr. Rasmussen,
> I know you received the vendor packet along with the workorder. The agreement CLEARLY states what we need from you to process your invoice and do the work. You said you completed the work according to the agreement, so you are aware of what we need for payment.
> I am also positive that Vic didn't call you except for one time to ask you to do the job and would never say pleeeaase, nor beg.
> To become more than the "little" guy, you need to how business works. Audits are required yearly from us on general liability and workers comp. Insurance, thus, besides protecting our "big" company from liability, requiring insurance from our vendors, prevents us from being charged from using them. A w-9 FORM is required to pay you.
> Now that we have established you are not a victim, I will tell what you WILL send to get paid. A w-9 form completed with you FEIN, a completed wc waiver, if you qualify, and a Coi from your general liability agent with us as certificate holder, that coincides with the time of the job. I will waive putting us on as additional insured and put you on the do nor use list. This will save you anything the insurance company may have charged you. Most insurance companies DO NOT charge, by the way.
> Once in a while, we get a vendor that acts unprofessional and unknowledgable about how business' actually operate outside of turning a screwdriver. This is you and we do not have a place for you on our list of qualified and professional vendors.
> Send the documents required and your invoice will be processed by accounting. Other than that, with a W-9, we can deduct what we would be charged for workers comp and general liability, which on $250 would be 37.50 wc and 16.25 for general liability. It is your choice. No docs, just a w-9, or the waiver, gl coi, and w-9.
> We will give you until Friday to get in your documents and go with whatever has been sent by then.
> Best Regards,
> Pamela Roberts
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Todd Rasmussen <t00nces2@yahoo.com>
> Date: 8/15/17 6:59 AM (GMT-05:00)
> To: Pamela Roberts <pamelar@superiorfsc.com>
> Subject: Re: Regarding work done at DSW
> Dear Mrs. Roberts,
> My FID is XXXXXXXXX. I am workers comp exempt. While I have general liability insurance, I did not have you listed (nor was I asked for it) at the time of the request to fix the issue. I got call after call asking me to do the work and I told them I wasn't interested because I knew I would never be paid. I finally said, "Fine," and went and looked and gave a price that was accepted.
> I went back and did the work, got the sheet signed and got before and after pictures. No complains. No problems. I did it because I figured it would be a quick job to see if your company was honorable and would pay me for the work I would do.
> It seems I was correct with my original assumption that I would not get paid. Your "must this'" and "must thats" are not possible because they were "wasn'ts" at that time. At that time it was "Pleeeeeese get this done for me". I guess you have your justification for screwing some little guy in Sarasota that helped your company out. So, I will not be adding you to my general liability insurance because I do not want pay to add a company that I do not want to work for anymore.
> I figure you can either stiff me and add me to your "Do Not Call!" list of vendors in Sarasota, or you can pay me and ask me if I would be interested in helping you out in the future. It is likely "no" because one three hundred dollar job since I started doing business in 1998 does not justify the cost of adding your company to my liability insurance.
> So, the ball is in your court, Mrs. Roberts. Will I be paid or not? You got your "has to be done now!" job done, is your company honorable, or now that you have gotten your itch scratched, will I get e-mail from you justifying not paying me?
> Thank you,
> Todd
> On 8/14/2017 3:00 PM, Pamela Roberts wrote:
>> I've had to put a hold on your account until I receive the necessary documents from you. I need a copy of your W-9, the attached Server Provider Packet filled out, Workers Comp, and a certificate of Insurance general liability which MUST have us listed as additionally insured and MUST coincide with the date the work was done. I will include a workers comp waiver in the attachments in case you don't have workers comp in which case that must be filled out and notarized. The certificate holder information should read as follows:
>> Superior Facility Service Group
>> 130 Prominence Point Pkwy Ste. 130-127
>> Canton, GA 30114
>> Please get these over to me as soon as possible so that I can take the hold off of your account and get you paid for the work done.
>> Thank you,
>> Pamela M. Roberts
>> CFO
>> Superior Facility Service Group
>> 844-787-3777