Give us some answers of your own instead of just criticizing the questions.
I've given a number of answers but auminer wants more so here are some. If his "colleague" on the other forum had a sales tax license in the state that he was selling the generators in (it wasn't explained if the person was from the affected state, went out of state to guy the items, and then returned to his home state to sell them or not), then there shouldn't be a problem if he turns in the state's cut on selling the items. As I said before, this isn't a rummage sale, its a business venture and should be treated as one. I think in all the states and most localities a business collects sales tax on merchandise sold or services rendered. The generator guy might run afoul of not having a peddler's license if he's selling outside of his home local but I'm sure that's not a big deal compared to stiffing the state of its sales tax share on tens of thousands of $$ in selling those 30 generators. If the guy is just a "carpetbagger" coming into the affected state just to do a quick time score that only helps out himself and the few people he sold the generators to and not leave the rest of society a cut of the action to help fund things such as 911, police, fire & rescue, and other stuff, then he takes the gamble and hope he doesn't get caught. If small business guys don't see the disadvantage they're up against when someone isn't playing by the same rules as they have to follow to be part of the community, then I can't help you. Its a social contract that has been turned into various laws in almost any community across the country that scales up to all the states as well, you can have a business here doing most anything but in exchange for that economic opportunity, there are certain obligations that will be required of you and in most places that is paying sales tax. If you don't pay sales tax to the local community or the state, then go ahead and take that gamble but if you get busted, then you'll have to take your lumps however they get dealt out.
auminer states that this "nation wasn't built on that kind of thinking [some sort of governmental permission to do certain things]" but perhaps he needs to read more history. Totally unfettered capitalism without the government at various scales having some sort of say in it existed only on the frontier and usually only for short periods of time. I gave the example of President Washington sending federalized troops to the frontier to enforce the collection of the federal tax on distilled alcohol so there is long U.S. precedent of the government "meddling" with individual people's economic activity. Its isn't new and in the case of moonshining has always had tensions between the people (or at least some of them) and the government. A classic example is the disposition of land in this country. Now maybe auminer's great----------grandad and his sons squatted on some piece of land and claimed it as their own by force until whatever governments finally let them have it but almost all private land in this country came to be that through a legal transaction of transferring ownership from some form of government, most of it from the U.S. government. Private land was either bought directly from the government or given as sort of land grant with strings attached. The point is that there was some sort of "permission" given for someone to acquire land before it turned into a private commodity to be bought and sold afterwards. That's real history whether or not we want to acknowledge it or not.
Anyway, I need to go try to make some money on
ebay. And, by the way, I do have a sales tax license for the little side gigs I do even if they generally don't amount to much but I do live in a "mean" state that charges sales tax on food. Everybody has skin in the game.