Allis needs new dash decals.
I've been looking at some of the after market decals in the offering, I only have one person to please with this restoration, Allis will not be going to any shows or parades.
Anyhow I'm not overly impressed with vinyl decals and got to thinking that copper or brass maybe even stainless steel would look against orange.
This idea is not original but comes from my love of the art work they used on the dashes of old cars, even the window cranks and door handles were adorned with artwork.
Yes somewhere in this house Pat has my collection of window cranks and door handles hidden away. One of my favorites is the marbled glass shifter knob from and unknown vehicle.
So I'm thinking that I could easily make a dash plate from one of the following metals, brass, copper or stainless steel sheet.
There's two ways to do this, create the artwork then have the Colony cut the shape then laser in the design.
Or I could take a more conventional approach, mark up the art work then print, this becomes the mask.
To etch the metal I would use ferric chloride, all of the artwork below was done using this enchant.
What are your thoughts, go with brass, copper or stainless steel. Which do you think would look best.
The lettering on the dash plate would be raised, also I could add in some scroll work.
Some examples of ferric chloride etching.