Everything contributes to global warming. If I compost methane gas is released, driving cars, recycling metals, almost everything we do contributes to global warming. I'm into a company called Bitconnect its a lending platform. While all these cryptocurrencys are dropping in price I'm able to still make money on the volatility of Bitcoin. I know people say its a scam, a Ponzi, all I'm saying is I withdrew 2k so far and will be withdrawing 1k before new years. As to the global warming issue, there are some mining rigs running on Solar to save money on power. If your interested PM me, if you have questions and already have an account PM me, I'll try and help where I can. I've made more money than all my other investments thus far this includes ebay, stocks, scrapping, Dinar (that was a scam) everything except my 9-5 job.