"You have the right to free speech, so long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it."-The Clash
I belong to a couple other forums and listserves and I have to say that the conspiracy theorists here are pretty tame, in print, by comparison. Or maybe I have a high tolerance for wild conjecture. Anyway, I don't personally mind it, since I just tune it out or, more rarely, do research on my own to confirm. But I also work in small government and I could see a browser history search about certain things becoming a liability for me, despite my personal opinions. Anyway, I wish to be able to continue to use and review the forums and I almost never post in the Off-Topics section, since my interface with SMF is less about social networking and more about sharing information. I think as long as posters are respectful (and SMF's own administration of the legal ramifications of their policies is consistent), it is not necessary to alter any part of the forum which generates non-hateful discourse. Check in with me again if R. Spencer joins.
Lastly, in my experience, trolls and sincere wackos tend to self-extinguish. Unless someone is actually using SMF as a means to hurt people, I don't see any harm in letting people vent. Then again, I'm not a paid member and I can see how my perspective would not be as valuable to the core users.