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Egineered Disaster

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  1. #1
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Egineered Disaster

    The part below is from a front load washing machine that lasted just beyond warranty.

    The machine has the smart drive motor that I've been looking for, this will be used for my wind generator.

    The hub at the end of the shaft is supposed to have lugs on it that fit into the back of the drum, once the lugs are eaten away from electrolysis the drum no longer agitates nor spins.

    Not sure yet what metal the hub is made from but suspect it contains zinc or possibly magnesium which is as we know is a sacrificial metal used in anodes. If this proves to be true then I think someone should start a class action suit against the manufacture.

    This was the only problem found with this washing machine and the same model is currently being sold for just under $1000.00, add delivery and tax onto that price and were well over the list price.

  2. #2
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    This part is supposed to have the receiving socket for the drive lug.

  3. #3
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Can you tell what metal the gear is made of?

  4. #4
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    Can you tell what metal the gear is made of?
    Die cast zinc alloy, the zinc is sacrificial. These parts are engineered to self destruct via electrolysis, I've read on few forums some machines only last 4.5 years.

    The art of war is to weaken your enemies economy with counterfeit, same game - send them crap.

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  6. #5
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alloy2 View Post
    Die cast zinc alloy, the zinc is sacrificial. These parts are engineered to self destruct via electrolysis, I've read on few forums some machines only last 4.5 years.

    The art of war is to weaken your enemies economy with counterfeit, same game - send them crap.
    i hope youre not insinuating that the only ones responsible are the Koreans/Chinese.

    ALL involved parties are guilty- from the brand owners, whether they be based in Japan, Korea or the USA, the mostly Chinese manufacturers, the distributors/agents & retailers around the world.

    if they make quality products that last a lifetime, these guys will go out of business so they are all very much in favour of products that last just a few years bcos they want to keep us all coming back for more.

    but as scrappers, theres a silver lining in that for us.

  7. #6
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmoorad View Post
    i hope youre not insinuating that the only ones responsible are the Koreans/Chinese.

    ALL involved parties are guilty- from the brand owners, whether they be based in Japan, Korea or the USA, the mostly Chinese manufacturers, the distributors/agents & retailers around the world.

    if they make quality products that last a lifetime, these guys will go out of business so they are all very much in favour of products that last just a few years bcos they want to keep us all coming back for more.

    but as scrappers, theres a silver lining in that for us.
    ... but we won't be going back for their brand again. People see and hear about bad brands. I think Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge make really cool looking cars..... that are best suited to committing suicide in a garage.

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  9. #7
    alloy2 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmoorad View Post
    i hope youre not insinuating that the only ones responsible are the Koreans/Chinese.

    ALL involved parties are guilty- from the brand owners, whether they be based in Japan, Korea or the USA, the mostly Chinese manufacturers, the distributors/agents & retailers around the world.

    if they make quality products that last a lifetime, these guys will go out of business so they are all very much in favour of products that last just a few years bcos they want to keep us all coming back for more.

    but as scrappers, theres a silver lining in that for us.
    Are you insinuating that scrappers should turn a blind eye in the name of profit and ignore possible health issues caused from degrading zinc making sulphuric dioxide in an enclosed area.

    In todays world most laundry rooms are not far off from the kitchen where mother and toddler are baking an apple pie.The kitchen is the heart of the home.

  10. #8
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Bet they got a .5% increase in profits when switching to the cheaper erhhhm "new" hub. Be willing to bet the $300 machine has the same hub.
    There's always lugging clothes to the laundry mat, or down to the river.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00nces2 View Post
    ... but we won't be going back for their brand again. People see and hear about bad brands. I think Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge make really cool looking cars..... that are best suited to committing suicide in a garage.
    I take it you wrench on your own vehicles, as do I. They are and always have been “different”. I want a Jeep, but am now apprehensive because of this exactly.

    Fumes or a gun?

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