I'm sure you new folks get tired of the..."Search the archives, not all but a lot of the answers you seek are there" line. You get it from me, and others because it's the best advice you'll get just starting out here. The reason for that is..it's true.
We all started out here new at some point, an those of us who've been here for a good while recall the old silent rule of...do the research then ask questions. If you read the older posts you will see that answer a lot, an nowhere near nice an sweet as I say it. I kid. I kid. About me being nice and sweet.
I love to help folks. I've said it many times, my inbox is always open to people, even the goat an cooler haters. I have to admit though...after almost 6 years, I grow tired of repeating myself and parroting others before me, when the info lies right there at EVERYONE'S fingertips. You may have to dig a little. You might have to sort through a dozen threads to find the answer you seek. When you do find that answer, or that post or thread that makes it all click or answers your questions, or whatever...you'll love the feeling. An you'll go back for more, an more an more! The knowledge is addicting. I rarely if ever scrap a car...bu thanks to the folks here who do I know what do for the most part to not lose my ass.
I'm sure it's the same for the car guys also. Might never touch a computer, or a tv, but should they ever need to...they now have that knowledge, or at lest the ability to find that knowledge an make use of it. I don't expect every single new person to do this..there will always be that one that has to be different.
Hey, if even only a few do..it's a start.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...it's not because we don't want to help you. It's because we DO want to help you. We want you to be successful. We want you to make money an profit. We don't want you to rely on us or others though to make that happen. Cause we're not the ones who will determine if your successful or not. Only you are.
So now you have a choice...ignore this awesome post filled with enlightenment at your own peril an reply back all mean an grrr like..or dive into those archives like Scrooge McDuck into his money vault an absorb it all like a sponge an put it to good use wherever your interest may lie in this field. So as not to ruin my rep any more then I am with all this helpful advice an the like...I give you a goat.
The rumors of my kindness have been greatly exaggerated.
To my fellow old timers, you know who you are...feel free to add some advice you feel the new folks need. An no...there is no magic number to qualify as a old timer. So HA!
Good luck..to our old an new members a like.
Sirscrapalot -
The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading. - David Baily
P.S. - Listen to Mikeinreco on a lot of things, but not his views of coolers. Their barbaric.