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Bad day with the RV

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  1. #1
    Proton started this thread.

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    Bad day with the RV

    Today was supposed to be my RV day, went over to Rossburn and grabbed the demo permit from town hall, then went of the the property and put a pair of rims and tires on the trailer.
    , caretaker

    Towed that sucker to the dump to meet stupid, caretaker would not accept the fact that a demolition permit that one normally pays for makes for certain allowances at the dump and is not considered house hold garbage. Duh that's why there's a fee for the permit.

    The people who owned the RV used it for a garbage can, filled half way to the ceiling, I'm not pleased but prepared to deal with it this was until the landfill guy wanted me to separate the tin cans and take them over to another recycle location in town.

    Told him that the trailer was going back to its original location and that the people who owned it could deal with it. So trailer is back with owners, I've washed my hands of it.

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    What year is that camper?

    I got an old one sitting in my backyard that came with the place when we bought it. lol.

    Think mine is a 60s something. I'm in for the night or I'd go check, but I don't feel like battling the skeeters.

    People who had my place before me. They did something similar with the trailer int eh backyard. Instead of trash though it was all their old clothes, an assorted crap like that. I threw it all in the burn barrel. Bright side...while I'm not an overly religious fella, the guy who actually once lived in the trailer was a Pastor, or something similar. He wrote tons of poems, an the like. Far as I can tell never published for the masses, but he published them for his church, an fellow goers from what I can tell.

    Stuff dates back to the late 50s, all the way up to the 70s. I'd offer them back to him, but alas he passed a few yeas back I'm told. I'd hate to throw his works away. I might have to reach out to his church and or living relatives. Lest see if they want them before I find a church that does.

    Sirscrapalot - Bears, red wolves, an alligators, oh my! - My niece visiting an saying such after her visit to the Alligator Wildlife Refuge.

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  5. #3
    Proton started this thread.

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    Not sure of the year, I did ask but the owner didn't remember.

    Almost had a heart attack heading to the landfill a guy pulls out and pass's me then stops in front as he is getting out of his truck I see he is wearing a uniform and I think oh chit here come the tickets. First thing he asks is there a water tank in the trailer, he needs on for his.

    We take a peek under the front seat area where the water tanks usually reside but nothing there, The guys works EMS.

    I used some spare aluminum rims from the Ford Ranger for the trailer ruined one tire from rubbing on the inner side wall and the other one came off on the way back to where the trailer had come from, wrong wheel nuts, but I thought by tightening the nuts super tight I could get away with it.

    The Dodge Hemi pulled the trailer with one flat and one wheel missing like the trailer wasn't even there for about two miles half of it gravel, in town pavement then back onto a gravel alley into the guys yard where the trailer now sits.

    I'm going to look for another one closer to home our guy at the dump dose'nt care what I bring in, just what I take out.

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