For those of us who have piggy banks but don't want to pay a 9%+ Coinstar fee, I thought it would be good to make a list of ways that we can get rid of coins without paying fees to dispose of them. Here is a partial list. Please feel free to add to the list:
1) Use the Coinstar machine, but get a gift card and bypass the fee.
2) In the self checkout area at the grocery store pay with a bunch of coins. CAUTION: Do this when there aren't a bunch of people waiting in line behind you. Or maybe you can limit yourself to something like 50-100 coins each time you go to whittle down the pile.
3) Buy something cheap with coins (i.e., lottery ticket for those who buy such things).
4) There are not many banks with free coin counters, however there seem to be a fair number of credit unions that have them.
I know that some banks will take rolls of coins, but I was trying to find a way to get rid of them without having to take the time to roll them up.
What other ideas does everyone have to avoid these nuisance fees?