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  1. #1
    406Refining started this thread.
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    What was your record number of appliances in a week?

    What was your record number of appliances done in a week (including microwaves, dishwashers, refrigerators) and what was the newest appliance you've gotten as scrap? I figured this would be an interesting thread to start for those part-time and full-time scrappers that get a lot of appliances.

    A few months ago I had a very busy week for my small operation. In the stretch of 3 days I accumulated and scrapped 32 dishwashers and 10 microwaves. For me, this meant testing and parting out each of the appliances to sell the usable parts. One of my local suppliers typically gets several newer dishwashers each week. Up until last night the newest dishwasher I got was from 2017. However, last night I got a samsung dishwasher with a board that I had never seen before (I have done over 150 dishwashers since I started less than a year ago). The manufacturing date on the dishwasher was 02.2018. I was absolutely stunned. Why would someone get rid of a dishwasher that is less than 6 months old?!

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  3. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    If computers count as appliance probably 300 or 400 in a week

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  5. #3
    greytruck's Avatar
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    I never kept track for a week, but i have had 3 dishwashers in one day, 3 washing machines in one day, one house had a washer, 2 dryers and a waterheater

  6. #4
    aph's Avatar
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    30+ in one day incl 24 from an appliance store, over 75 in a week.
    Newest less than a year old a few times.
    People are wasteful, they remodel and want everything same style so they dump brandnew stuff all the time.
    If I wanted to I could do 100-200 a week, not enough space and man power though.
    But working on both.
    More space as soon as this weekend as my buddy is getting his own spot giving me an extra app. 2000 sq ft
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  8. #5
    auminer's Avatar
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    Curious: what do you scrap in a dishwasher? My yard won't take them whole, and it seems every motor I find is wound with copper-coated-aluminum. The only thing I can do with a DW is take the copper line off if it wasn't hooked up with a braided hose, which seems to be the new standard.
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  9. #6
    greytruck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    Curious: what do you scrap in a dishwasher? My yard won't take them whole, and it seems every motor I find is wound with copper-coated-aluminum. The only thing I can do with a DW is take the copper line off if it wasn't hooked up with a braided hose, which seems to be the new standard.
    Everything but the plastic tub. Most of the motors are copper but if alum, it goes as a motor. I strip the copper ones.Some may have a small red colored copper transformer. Brass water connection, lots of #2 wire behind the door. The door can be steel, alum, and sometimes stainless. Stainless water sprayer spinning thing on the bottom along with the small tabs to hold down the heating element. Also a steel band around it with the washing racks.

    Yes, i do alot of these.

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  11. #7
    406Refining started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by auminer View Post
    Curious: what do you scrap in a dishwasher? My yard won't take them whole, and it seems every motor I find is wound with copper-coated-aluminum. The only thing I can do with a DW is take the copper line off if it wasn't hooked up with a braided hose, which seems to be the new standard.
    There is one yard locally that takes the plastic tub dishwashers ($65-70/ton). I am in the reselling business so I find that there is more money to be made parting them out for resale than scrapping them.

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  13. #8
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Never really kept track of the number of appliances in a day/week...but did clear out a 32 lane bowling alley about 4-5 years ago. 40 plus tons in 4ish days using a van and trailer.
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  15. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I've avoided a lot of appliances in a week does that count?

    I hate washers, dryers an dish washers.


    Always end up with an annoying cut on my hand.

    Curse you appliances!

    (I like fridges though)

    Sirscrapalot - Post brought to you by the letters C - O - O -L - E - R and the number 24.

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  17. #10
    aph's Avatar
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    Got a call from a storage facility to pick up 15 appliances a couple weeks ago.
    Got there and it was a 15x40 unit packed and stacked.
    Ended up 80 appliances and a few scrap items, ACs, furnace.
    They actually asked what I charge. But my service is free.
    I bet they would have paid me several hundred. But I was happy as can be as it was.

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  19. #11
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    32 in a day from an apartment complex renovation. They were listed on Craigslist. Got lucky as it was a rainy day and apparently I was the only scrapper out working. It was also a "first come first served" ad so that keeps a lot of people from showing up but I was right around the corner.

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  21. #12
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Two in one week. My washer and dryer went out within days of each other. Wanted to scrap the dish washer at the same time, but my wife is to old to recycle. To make my point I replaced the washer and hung a new clothes line, but that will be little use in the winter. Such is life.
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  23. #13
    rc1530's Avatar
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    I would say my best was the 22 AC compressors that I got in a week from work due to compressor replacements. It was great money at $0.13 a lbs a few years back.

  24. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Two in one week. My washer and dryer went out within days of each other. Wanted to scrap the dish washer at the same time, but my wife is to old to recycle. To make my point I replaced the washer and hung a new clothes line, but that will be little use in the winter. Such is life.
    I missed this on before, too funny. All I can say for certain your wife doesn't read the forum. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  26. #15
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I missed this on before, too funny. All I can say for certain your wife doesn't read the forum. 73, Mike
    How did you know? She would go crazy if she knew half of the stupid things I have done and posted here.

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