Originally Posted by
Disclaimer - This response is only meant to present thoughts for individuals to consider. I am not soft on consequences and will not defend this type of activity. For the record I believe in the death penalty, but do not want to derail this thread to discuss that topic. We can start a new thread if this is to be discussed. The quotes and resources are provided only if anyone is interested. Sorry the teacher in me is coming out.
Desperation causes some people to do stupid things. I question what type of action should be taken. The most common trait among criminals is addiction to drugs, alcohol, or both. I feel for those that are addicts because it is considered a disease by the medical community. Yes I believe he should be incarcerated or even tarred and feathered, but also believe without treatment (if he is an addict) he will repeat this offense or something worse.
"Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.† It is considered a brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control, and those changes may last a long time after a person has stopped taking drugs" - National Institute of Drug Abuse.
"About 80 percent of people who are arrested and placed in prison abuse either drugs or alcohol" - National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Accessed April 29, 2014.
As far as the youth, through out history each generation has looked down and felt sorry for the upcoming generation. My parents thought my generation was going to destroy the world, after all we grew up in the 60's.
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” This was written by Socrates over 2,400 years ago.
I liked your opening disclaimer.
I also liked the rest of your post.
Addiction is nasty business. We're all familiar with Alcoholism, an know the effects of such. I wish people learn more about what it means to be addicted to something opiates, pills, meth, etc. Truly horrible from what I've seen. Destroy's the person using if they have no support system of any kind and also destroy's the city of said person. Look at Baltimore. Heroin an opiates. Horrible horrible horrible. It's eaten the soul of that city. Lots of cities are this way and or large/small communities. When I was in Kansas a couple years back working for
Amazon, the town I stayed in had a huge opiate problem You could see it in the people, the town itself, etc.
People addicted to opiates, pills, heroin, meth an the like don't think like normal folks. Obviously...but what I mean is...they chase that high, or continue to use because dealing with the sickness aka withdraw is some horrible stuff in it's own right. I once watched someone try to kick a pill habit. Seizures, shakes, extreme change in temp, cramps, getting sick, etc. That's some nasty stuff right there. Most people just say.."Oh they did it themselves". Nobody goes out going.."Hey! I'ma ruin my life by becoming addicted to hard drugs!". Those kind of drugs are like...I dunno. Going to hang out in the 2 ft deep part of the pool an then finding yourself stuck in the 50ft deep part of the pool. You go from the ability to doggie paddle an float to straight up drowning before you know it. An soon your not even able to keep your head above water.
Not trying to defend addicts. Just trying to say....There is more to it then just wanting to get high for some of them.
I like my guns. I like the death penalty to. I don't think being addicted to something should mean you should be killed. That's silly talk. Imagine if we did the same to everyone who "HAS" to have their coffee every morning.
I know a lot of people who admit to be addicted to coffee.
Anyhow...disclaimer time: Everything that was in Patriots. An if you want to send me hate mail, feel free. I've been doing this awhile, I can handle it.
Sirscrapalot - Judge not, lest ye be judged. - Some dude in a bible.