Of course ... every situation is different. What's profitable in one area might not be profitable in another.
I know it's being kind of a Debbie Downer but i've seen a lot of
ewaste ventures go southbound. There aren't many that survive beyond the five year mark. For that matter ....the same can be said of most business ventures.Business is risky and the odds generally aren't in your favor.
If you look back at the old threads ... there are so many members that aren't here anymore.
Scrapping is generally a thin margin thing so you have to manage carefully in order to survive.
Maybe a bit of a derail, but i'm wondering how others operate.
Do you just dive right in and charge forward ?
Do you carefully track your time, all operating costs,shipping, and taxes ? How do your true operating costs mesh up against your gross income ?
See ... the trend is moving toward less scrap value being recovered.
For example: An older computer might have a 386 gold rich processor, a decent lg socket mobo, and three or more finger cards, memory, and nice HDD and CD boards. A newer tower might only have a laptop MOBO and a few sticks of ram.
Pretty slim pickin's with the newer stuff. Most especially with tablets & cell phones.
Is there a thing going on where your operating expenses are going up and your net profits are trending down ?
That would be a thing to watch for. You could end up running in the red and not discover it for a couple of years if you aren't managing the business carefully. This happens all the time.