It helps if you look at the big picture and consider the overall tax burden.
Maine ranks as third highest in the nation.
Our current Governor was a Tea Party favorite and made every effort to keep runaway government spending in check. He was a real horse's necktie and wouldn't let the legislature pass many bills without enough of a majority to override his veto.He was a real thorn in their side.
The new Governor is family. I've got a mountain of respect for her ability and her many years in public service but i don't know as i agree with her priorities.
We may very well go to being the state with the second highest overall tax rate in the nation.
Maybe we should change our state slogan to: " Maine, the way life
shouldn't be."
It all boils down to what you feel is the correct role of government in your life. What are your priorities ? Some would be of the opinion that government should confine itself to providing a system of roads & bridges, a court system, and provide for the common defense. Others are of the opinion that the government should provide all sorts of services and take care of you from cradle to grave.
One way or another ... you always have to pay for those services.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.