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  1. #1
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    another reason that makes America great!!

    Just a common Joe helping people out. Pharmacists can make serious coin working in metro areas but it takes a person who's willing to sacrifice some to do that job in a smaller town. Rock on Mr. Mack, rock on...

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  3. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    link gave me an error message

  4. #3
    DakotaRog started this thread.
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    Here's the story:

    Snowstorm is no match for Redfield pharmacist and tractor

    REDFIELD, S.D. - REDFIELD, S.D. (KELO)-- Not everything comes to a complete stop during a blizzard.

    People still need their medication.

    When Redfield Pharmacist Hugh Mack saw all the snow Thursday, he knew no ordinary vehicle would do.

    "It was snowing at the time. We maybe had a foot to a foot and a half," Randall Pharmacy Co-Owner Hugh Mack said.

    Hugh Mack drove his loader tractor to work.

    He ended up using the farm equipment to make some medication deliveries.

    "I got a call from the nursing home so I delivered one there and I delivered one to another patient too," Mack said.

    The story has taken off online with thousands of shares on our KELOLAND Facebook page.

    But he doesn't consider himself special for these kind deeds.

    "I don't know of any small town pharmacists that probably don't do the same things," Mack said.

    Because when people are counting on you, not even a snow storm can stand in the way.

    "They've been supporting us for years. We need to be able to help them out when they need it," Mack said.

    A lot of pictures have been coming into our newsroom over the last few days.

    You can see our galleries here.

    Maybe this link works for the photos:

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  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Nice share, thanks. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  7. #5
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    18 year old kid made some $$$ on the coast
    And donated 7k to charity
    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho- One young man cashed in on Seattle's heavy snowfall when he drove over to Western Washington with an arsenal of plow equipment.

    18-year-old David Holston was already in Seattle visiting his mother for her birthday, who had been staying in Seattle after undergoing a major surgery.

    While in Seattle, Holston received a call from a friend informing him of the major snow storm headed for Western Washington. He took his chances and decided to stay a little longer in hopes he could earn some extra income plowing snow in the city.

    The bigger the storm, the bigger the pay out. After about a week of plowing in Seattle, Holston says he has made about $35,000.

    "I figured I would just bring my plow and if I picked up a job great, and if I didn't it would still be ok," Holston said in a phone interview.

    After Holston posted a Craigslist ad, his phone didn't stop ringing. A majority of the calls he received were from businesses and the others were from Seattle-area residents.

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