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Dell Optiplex 9020 SFF Desktop PC

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    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Dell Optiplex 9020 SFF Desktop PC

    I have a question for some of you computer guys out there. I picked up a small load yesterday and when I got home I found a Dell Optiplex 9020 SFF Desktop PC in one of the boxes.

    It boots up but the 3 fans inside are running full blast. It sounds like a big server. A quick google search and I see many people with the same PC having the same issue but not a lot of answers.

    I was wondering if any of you know what might be causing this.

    I will continue searching but I thought I would check with you guys also

    Thanks, Jim

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I work alot with these and this is a very common issue with these dell's...........It has something to do with thermal sensor and motherboard...........Usually if I can't get the fans down to a normal speed I just part it out (sell the cpu and save the ram/hd for another build)

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  4. #3
    hills's Avatar
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    Dells are a quality machine but they're kind of a PITA sometimes. The company isn't exactly forthcoming with service information. You have to dig for it. HP's are much better in that regard.

    Anyway ... *whatever*.

    To cut to the chase: There's a fair chance that it's a problem with the BIOS.

    I would try updating that before parting the machine out.

    This link "should" do it for you.

    Look for the BIOS update labeled urgent. ( It was just released a few days ago.)

    * Fairwarning * Make sure that your PC can't accidentally power down partway through the BIOS update process. That will brick the BIOS and make the machine useless.

    It's probably running win 8 or later. Go to power settings and temporarily adjust them so that neither the HDD or monitor can power down after a certain period of inactivity.
    Last edited by hills; 07-25-2019 at 04:56 AM.

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  6. #4
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Thanks for all of the advice. I googled this issue but could never resolve it. I almost scrapped the desktop several times but didn't so it collected dust for several weeks.
    I turned my attention instead to my current desktop that still has Win 7. I have been wanting to install Win 10 but it appears you cannot find a free legal way of obtaining that so I bought a downloadable copy for 25 bucks. I got it installed and really like it.
    I was sent links to install Win 10 and and one link was to create a bootable usb for another PC so I created one. I thought I would try the USB to install Win 10 on the Dell 9020 with the fan issue.....figured it couldn't hurt to try.
    I stuck a 2 TB hard drive and 20 gig of ram in it and the USB was successful installing Win 10.
    It works great and no more fan issues. I know it's an older machine but it's a lot faster than any other I've ever owned.

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  8. #5
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    Way to go Jim. Nicely done. That was no easy fix if so many people have been wrestling with it and very few have found a solution.

    I looked into it and the Win 10 thing is kind of a grey area. The bottom line would be that although Microsoft officially ended their free upgrade program awhile back .... they never really discontinued it.

    Gawd ... they've really done a good job of smoothing out all of the problems. The latest win 10 build is pretty good.

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