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  1. #1
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    No new posts.

    I wonder why there are no new posts?

    Could it be that someone is sitting on their hands playing Stranger?

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  3. #2
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    The forum was down again last night and this morning. Not sure when it came back up.

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  5. #3
    hills is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The site has been up and down lately. Much as anything ... it's been quiet for awhile now. Scrap prices are awfully low. I have to wonder if a lot of the regulars have moved on to greener pastures.

    I know i got up early with the intention of making the 50 mile run to the scrapyard if only for the purpose of getting the shop cleaned out. Am second guessing myself on that one. There are a million and one things that need to be done and that doesn't seem to be very high up on the list of priorities. It's a busy time of year.

    BTW ... Jim ... did you ever take a run at updating that BIOS ? I was curious about how it turned out. The BIOS is the operating system that controls fan speeds. I'm wondering if it's a Dell software issue. Dell's mobos are proprietary. Kinda like a Mac in that way. They can be a little buggy sometimes.It would be pretty kool to nail that one down if a lot of others have been experiencing the same problem. The better than scrap option is generally pays better than parting it out.
    Last edited by hills; 07-29-2019 at 02:09 AM.

  6. #4
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hills View Post
    The site has been up and down lately. Much as anything ... it's been quiet for awhile now. Scrap prices are awfully low. I have to wonder if a lot of the regulars have moved on to greener pastures.

    I know i got up early with the intention of making the 50 mile run to the scrapyard if only for the purpose of getting the shop cleaned out. Am second guessing myself on that one. There are a million and one things that need to be done and that doesn't seem to be very high up on the list of priorities. It's a busy time of year.

    BTW ... Jim ... did you ever take a run at updating that BIOS ? I was curious about how it turned out. The BIOS is the operating system that controls fan speeds. I'm wondering if it's a Dell software issue. Dell's mobos are proprietary. Kinda like a Mac in that way. They can be a little buggy sometimes.It would be pretty kool to nail that one down if a lot of others have been experiencing the same problem. The better than scrap option is generally pays better than parting it out.
    I haven't had time to look at it yet. Thanks for the info though, hopefully I'll have time this week to look at it.

  7. #5
    ragstoriches's Avatar
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    I haven't been able to get new posts for about a week now. I just use the last 24hours option that pops up after it tells you there are no new posts.

  8. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Looks like the economy is better so not as many people here looking how to make some quick cash. And here is a quote from a older member who hasn't posted for awhile "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
    Last edited by hobo finds; 07-29-2019 at 05:20 PM.
    Better than the dump!

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  10. #7
    hills is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Looks like the economy is better so not as many people here looking how to make some quick cash. And here is a quote from a older member who hasn't posted for awhile "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
    Amen to that !

    It's probably too much like work for some folks.

  11. #8
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Looks like the economy is better so not as many people here looking how to make some quick cash. And here is a quote from a older member who hasn't posted for awhile "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
    I wonder how Old Dude is doing?
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  13. #9
    hills is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    I haven't had time to look at it yet. Thanks for the info though, hopefully I'll have time this week to look at it.
    Updating the BIOS is often pretty straightforward these days. Many updates can be launched right from the windows environment. It's like downloading and installing any program / app. Only takes a few minutes to do once you get the hang of it. You just want to verify that it's the right thing for your machine.

    Most of the time you can go to the manufacturer's support section of their website. Type in your machine model and go to available software. BIOS updates are usually listed in there. Sometimes they even list the bug fixes in each new version.

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  15. #10
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    I wonder how Old Dude is doing?
    I wonder that too. His last post was Christmas day 2017.

  16. #11
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    My original question was more sarcasm than anything because I couldn't access the site for 2 days. My New Posts tab works fine but my Quick Links tab quit working the other day. I think they're just effing with me.

    Scrapping for me is great right now.

  17. #12
    hills is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The site has continued to be up and down. I think we figured that out last week. It's probably got more to do with the web hosting service than the actual site itself.

    New posts / quick links has been a long standing problem. Standard answer: Clean out your browser cache. I do that after every browsing session anyway so it's not a problem for me.

    One thing i have noticed is they seem to do a lot of housekeeping every day. First thing in the morning ... it's been pared down to just one or two threads. ( Not much of interest there. ) This habit of tidying up tends to suppress new posts. Sometimes you have to go dig through the weeds and comment on an old thread to get site activity going again.

    Maybe that's why there are so few new posts ?

    We've had a lot of folks come and go here over the years. It's just the impermanent nature of things. It's like that IRL too. It's kinda sad sometimes. Sooner or later ... everybody that you know and love will leave ... or you will leave them.

    You just have to keep your chin up and carry on till your time to leave comes around. It's a part of life.

    I'm seeing a bit more volume this summer. It's not one particular kind of thing though.You have to be diverse. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Don't really have time to process it all so i'm stockpiling it for next winter for when things are slow and opportunities few. One thing i have noticed is that some of the other scrappers in the area have aged out. It's come to a point that they can't manage the heavy lifting anymore.Not seeing many of the younger hands coming in to fill the void just yet. They say it's like that in the other trades as well. More people leaving than coming in. It is hard work.

  18. #13
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    It's definitely hard work and all I do is computers and phone systems. I worry constantly about my back especially when loading heavy battery backups and servers.

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