I came across this today and found it interesting. It's brass, about 4 inches long and inside it has a springy thingy on one end and a flappy doodle on the other.
I'm sure this will be easy for some of you.
I came across this today and found it interesting. It's brass, about 4 inches long and inside it has a springy thingy on one end and a flappy doodle on the other.
I'm sure this will be easy for some of you.
Looks like something I had once but mine had a flappy thingy and a springy doodle instead.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
Perhaps it is a bird feeder. Try filling it with birdseed and set it outside. Birds will recognize a birdfeeder when they se it.
Brass pump from a poison sprayer. Or what ever you want to call them.
Looks like some kind of an automatic damper.
If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....
Bath tub drain
Better than the dump!
If it is a car thermostat, it is an old one.
Yes it is from a 1948 Lincoln Continental with a 12 cylinder flathead. I was helping my brother pull the engine yesterday.
I’m late, but my guess was a temperature sending unit of sorts. Newbie scrapper says what is that. Experienced scrapper already spent the cash. My take.
lol I guess I am very very late for this. It looks dope though
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