It's not to be contrary but i have to disagree with ya on this one.
I've lived in the city and i've lived in the country. It seems like you have
more trouble with
more of a police presence. Same thing with Admins & mods on a forum. The more heavy handed the control ... the more people act up. In Discordian terms .... the imposition of order = the escalation of disorder. It's like turning up the heat on a pressure cooker. You can lash the lid down tight but it will eventually blow without a safety valve to let off some steam.
If you possibly can .... you're way better off to let folks manage for themselves. The community can largely regulate itself. You only call in the peacekeepers when they're REALLY needed. You don't call em' in because Mrs. O'leary's cat is stuck up a tree.
So what if there are a couple of spammers. We poke fun at em' and then they're quickly forgotten.
I know folks have paid memberships. The reality of it seems to be that it simply isn't a sustainable business model. Site advertising doesn't appear to work that well here. The whole
refrigerant thing was a good try as an income generator but ????
Bottom line .... i'm thankful to have a site at all. Mindful neglect from the admin & mods is working just fine as far as i'm concerned.
Now, it's true enough that there isn't nearly as much activity as there was a few years ago. I think that has more to do with the fact that the world has changed. That, and just about everything that can be said, has been said. There really aren't that many new developments in the world of scrapping going on right now. It's long hours, hard work, and pitifully low pay.
More power to the guys that
are doing it and
are making good profit these days. They certainly have my admiration and respect. This is no easy line of business to be in !