...if your idea of a good time is to make up a route and explore all dumpsters within your city limits for metal content...and cords!....
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...if your idea of a good time is to make up a route and explore all dumpsters within your city limits for metal content...and cords!....
yuo know your a scrapper if. you think that new pacemaker is a neet place to hang the super magnet. out of that last microwave.
only those with a pacemaker will get this one :)
ya get goose bumps and weak knees every time ya walk by that 7 1/2 in Milwalke angle grinder in the tool section of the Home store.
...if you can whip your head back and forth real quick to look down both the alleys to the right and left as you pass by.
If your looking forward to holidays from your job so you have more time to look for, process and clean scrap
Of which I am on holidays for the first 2 weeks of july. :p
... if you quit your job on purpose to scrap and sell (s)crap online, even though you 3bay acct is suspended...
Because, the stress of punching the clock is oppressive and scrapping is being your own boss.
You might be a scrapper if you have a note book bedside your bed in case if dream of a big honey hole...an you go there the next day to check it out.
if you stop at a pile and your kid spots metal before you..
If you've ever been loadin up yer truck, realise you cant close yer tailgate, so you use an old bathtub as a tailgate....
And it was EXTREMELY effective. We couldnt resist spraypainting "redneck" on the back of it, just too see the looks we got. Gotta love idaho. :)
when you are ushering on Sunday and you're magnet keeps "clicking" onto the fake brass offering plate !!
:D This! I was driving with my dad and checking out some garbage in the back of a guys truck that was sitting at the end of a driveway and next thing I hear is ''whoa, whoa, whoa!!'' as I'm halfway in the ditch!!
You might be a scrapper when....
You call home and the first thing your kid asks is ''how much did you get today?'' even if you're somewhere like a grocery store because they think you have no other life outside of scrapping!
Every time you toss a piece of metal into the box under your bench it never makes it because you have so many microwave magnets stuck to the toolbox under the bench next to the box.
Your son asks you why you put magnet smiley faces on HIS toolbox and he can't open his drawers.
You ask the dog ''Go scrappies?'' and she runs to the truck
You eyeball any jewelry relatives are wearing at parties and instead of thinking ''Oh those are pretty'' you are thinking ''Is that ring gold or platinum I wonder?'' *Facepalm*
when your at a fast food restaurant, and get a little turned on by all the stainless steel grills, fridges ect.!
when the wifes gone you sneek into the barn or storage shed to see if there is any thing to cut up.
You contemplate changing the plumbing in your house because you found some plastic piping at the dump! Lol I have some perdy 3 inch copper main drain going on in my basement! lol
You might be a scrapper if the free box at yard sales is WAY more interesting than it used to be. Broken electronics, crappy utensils, chargers and adapters to who knows what, etc...