Wait...theres a woman in that picture?
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You're on a first name basis with the guys on the garbage route - and the codes enforcement officer!
You might be a scrapper if ...
You pass by the new vacuum cleaners at Sears and start salivating over the idea of scrapping the motors inside of them for copper.
You might be a scrapper if your bucket list ...........is literally a list of all your buckets.
...if you're friends automatically say, "No you can't!" Before giving you details about anything they own.
...if you've ever caught your pants on fire and lacerated your hand in the same day, and never went to the hospital for either.
...if you have a "stash" that is full of electrical contact points, and no illegal substances.
...if you've ever bid on implements at a farm auction just to scrap them out.
...if you cringe when you see old torch regulators in the brass bin at the scrap yard.
...if you can some home charred and smelling of smoke and your parents don't even ask anymore.
...if you type in a car year and model into google, and it brings up "weight" at the end automatically.
If the scent of cut metal from a grinder smells like perfume on a pretty woman.
if you stare down every side street you drive by just to make sure there isn't anything worth doubling back for
you know what copper smells like